A Vampire & His Kitten

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"Hey guys, sleep well?"

Both of the twins jumped as I walked up to them from behind. Not gonna lie, it made my ego inflate slightly. Though they quickly replaced their startled looks into glares.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad."

They offered no response and just continued to let their hatred spill into their eyes.

"How was I to know that you'd actually slip in the blood?"

"I had to take five showers to get the smell off me," Hikaru stated with annoyance.

"Yeah, what even was that? It reeked," Kaoru questioned irritated.

"It was blood..."

"But what did you make it out of it, dummy?" Hikaru questioned with an eye roll.

"A pig?"

Both of them stared at me slowly processing that I was being completely serious.

"Wait, then the guts and entrails?"

"Combination of pig intestines and turkey gizzards."

"The stuff oozing in the basement?"

"Grease and oil, plus some random stuff I found in that garage mixed with lard."

"What about the heads-" "Hikaru, stop. I don't want to know anymore," Kaouru begged.

"Why... Why would you do that Crystal? You're supposed to use corn syrup and food coloring for blood, spaghetti or something for guts...just, why?" Hikaru questioned weakly.

"My family has always relied on the Sakahashi's for their design aesthetic as they're just as committed to authenticity as we are," Kyoya commented as he passed by.

"Besides, Haruhi told me you guys liked pranks and stuff so I thought I had to step up my game. It's not like you were in any real danger."

Their queasy looks transformed back into ones of annoyance.

"Watch your back, Sakahashi."

"Is that a threat?" I questioned amused. "Wait. I know it can't be, because see not all of the footage aired. Renge could only show one camera feed at a time so that means I have a whole bunch of unreleased footage tucked away somewhere."

"Witch." "Demon queen." They hissed along with other names as I walked away triumphantly.

"Aren't you worried at all about getting in trouble?" Haruhi asked as I joined in organizing decorations for the costume party.

"With who?"

"Whoever owns the property."

I couldn't help but laugh slightly at that causing her to pause and look up at me.

"Haruhi, relax. I own the property, or well, my family does."


"Yeah. The Mana in Yumana Mansion comes from my great aunt. She used to live there with her family, stop with the looks you two. I'll have you know that there's nothing really true about that dumb myth other than the dog's name."

"How did that even get started?" She asked dumbfounded and I just shrugged.

"I mean it started off true enough. They were having financial issues, a lot of that generation of my family was at the time. But she didn't go crazy and kill anyone. There was a carbon  monoxide leak in the house, it was too big and had too many other problems for them to fix so they moved."

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