His Name

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For the second time in my life I woke up in Kyoya Ootori's bedroom to a sudden bang and a curse. With déjà vu and fatigue clouding my brain I sat up to see what had happened. It was still night, the room dark and casting a veil of shadows. It was because of that spooky lighting that the stumbling blob had me almost ready to scream. 

Without much thought I grabbed the nearest pillow and lobbed it straight ahead, for once my aim was actually decent. It wasn't until I released the silk pillow cover that I remembered I hadn't been sleeping alone. 

Loudly Kyoya swore as the pillow whacked his face, his arm erratically swatting it to the ground as he cursed yet again.

"Damnit Akari-what the hell?!"

My brief spout of fear was gone. Kyoya obviously was not some masked villain who had broken in-though I suppose he's more likely to kill me right now than any cat burglar.

Loudly I clicked my tongue as I flopped back onto the bed. Idiot must've just stubbed his toe coming back to bed or something.


"You don't sound sorry."

Snorting I rolled back onto my side to try and chase the sleep that had been stolen from me. I knew I was too awake to immediately fall back asleep, but I was at least going to try.

"Just go back to sleep. Oh, and please try to not trip on your excessive ego this time, tu connard."

The sass flowed out on it's own. The bitterness from our less than stellar evening hadn't gone anywhere, it was still present and bubbling under my skin. Eagerly my tongue waited to make another snippy quip, to shoot something back, because surely he was going to make his own comment or retort.

But he didn't.

Patiently I waited, but my ears only picked up on a new muffled sound. It was something suspiciously sounding like a cough.

Rolling over I let my eyes land on Kyoya, still standing and hovering near the foot of the bed. My eyes had adjusted enough to make out a hand pressed to his face, shoulders moving just a fraction uncontrollably, little breaths slipping out on occasion.

"Are you laughing?"

Sitting up I studied him further to indeed confirm that he was laughing. I was in his bed, wearing his clothes, it was some ungodly hour of the night, and Kyoya Ootori was laughing and doing a piss poor job at covering it up. Was it a full moon? Was I in some strange dream?

Eventually I came around and he seemed to get his sudden fit of humor under control. Twice I opened my mouth to question him, but nothing came of it. Ultimately I had to clear my throat before saying anything further on it.

"Going to clue me in on what's so comical? I know I'm simply hilarious, but nothing I said was that funny."

In the moon lit room his eyes reached mine. A small smile was on his face, one that almost seemed smug. His eyes though, his unobstructed eyes, they held onto mine with a sudden intensity that froze me to the mattress.

A weight had been placed down on my chest. My breaths were shallow and shaking, back and neck tightening as my body became almost completely immobile. Vaguely I was aware that unlike me he had moved. Ever so slightly his posture had shifted, shoulders rolling back and stance widening.

And then his eyes broke away. A simple head shake was all it took to for air to rush back into my lungs. Tension gone.

"So are you going to share? Or at least tell me what you're doing up in the middle of the night interrupting my beauty sleep?"

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