Getting Back to Normal-ish?

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Haruhi's stressful birthday came and went. Somehow she managed to talk Tamaki into just a 'simple dinner', however, he insisted on hosting the whole thing at his mansion so a simple dinner turned into a seven course extravaganza. Granted she seemed pretty happy with all the food and even happier when I delivered on my promise of a complimentary spa trip the next day.

It was great timing because the usual quiet girl had been getting very chatty and I couldn't keep up the gig of changing subjects every few minutes.

She was pleased to hear that Kyoya and I were speaking again after our weird little break apart. But of course she wanted to know what had happened, so I offered a very diet version of what went down and it explained it as some miscommunication and him being busy. Only problem was with each answer I gave two more questions would appear, she was the hydra of interrogation. No doubt in my mind she will in fact make a great lawyer one day.

It's not that I wanted to keep secrets or anything, I just really did not want to talk about Kyoya. That whole thing that had happened was almost constantly stuck on replay in my head. Every dumb little thing made me remember that afternoon on his couch and I was really beginning to hate my brain for constantly plaguing me with it.

That incident had made me realize some things.

 Some things that I didn't want to realize or acknowledge. 

I wasn't a complete idiot, accidentally courting Kyoya's brother aside, I knew exactly what would have happened if Tamaki hadn't burst in at the perfect moment. I know that we both would have done something regrettable and stupid-something that would have put our newly revived friendship in danger and that was something I couldn't have.

It was a good thing we didn't do anything further, that nothing else happened. I knew that. I knew it and I kept telling myself that because it was true and it was right and it was a good thing that we didn't. Yes, I wanted it to happen in that specific moment but that doesn't matter. The whole idea-just the thought alone was a bad one to have because the concept in general isn't possible. It's just not, and moping or wishing for it to be isn't a great way of going about things. Because what I wanted on that sofa, in that moment, sitting next to Kyoya was not a good idea and I had to accept that.

This wasn't some rom-com or romance novel, that's not how things work. At the end of the day we'll graduate and go our separate ways, simple as that. We'll get our degrees, he'll probably get several, and then he'll be placed into some arranged marriage and I the same and that would be that. I just had to keep my mind off of that subject until it got over it's stupid little fantasies and then I'd be right as rain, so onwards with work!

The next Host club day event was rapidly approaching which meant my schedule was quickly filling up with numerous tasks to complete. Tamaki was especially vigorous considering how proud he was of his idea that had spurred him to barge into Kyoya's room on that fateful afternoon. 

He decided the club would do a modified version of blind dates. Each girl would randomly be assigned a guy within the school, from there she was supposed to leave him a chocolate gift and hint as to who she was. Later in the evening we of course would be hosting some formal dinner party, the kind that the guests and most students at this school eat up.

I was all for it, I thought it'd be a fun idea. He did the brunt of the work coming up with a new idea, I just had to plan it. Easy peasy, or so I thought until I realized I had to participate. It wasn't like I really had a choice, the twins merely skipped into club room one day with identical grins as they sang about how they entered me into the raffle of names.

Haruhi managed to pry me off of them before anyone suffered damage to their pretty boy face, but I was still holding a grudge. This wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I didn't want to get stuck going on a forced and awkward dinner date with a stranger. Really, it wasn't ideal at all. Worst part is that matches wouldn't be assigned until three days before Valentine's Day. Something about preventing from anyone importing extravagant gifts or something-instead of the giddy anticipation most of the female students were feeling all I housed was dread that moved me to knit faster.

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