▫️125 - now I'm gonna cry infinitely▫️

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Before I actually saw IW I thought I'd make my inevitable rant about it spoiler-free, for all you souls still trying to avoid spoilers or resigned to being spoiled

Now,, alright look there's no possible way



Leave now if you value your blissfully spoiler-free brain, seriously I'd feel terrible if anyone who managed to make it this far got ruined by me

Have I gone low enough yet?
Okay, I'll try to make this quick, but this rant is gonna be one of those Pearl-has-strong-feelings-about-a-movie-and-she's-gonna-fucking-curse sessions

I didn't expect my prediction of no more plot armor to be true??? What?? How?? Why is Gamora??? I'm not looking up how to spell her name just recounting that quote makes me want to cry,,,,,,, ,, cause she's 100% dead I think,,,, no,,,,
I mean, I shouldn't say that there's no plot armor, because anyone who got ash'd has got to come back, there's no way they'd let half their cast stay dead because I'm sorry that's not how a franchise works

I'm honestly really happy I wasn't too attached to anyone though because the amount of knifetwisting in those final scenes could have made me want to implode into ash with everyone

I think now is a good time to mention that I only ever was spoiled by a half,, aka this comment

I think now is a good time to mention that I only ever was spoiled by a half,, aka this comment

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It was sloppy of me, but thankfully I was only able to make inferences, aka

Fun fact: I spent every scene where he appeared in the second half quietly screaming "tomtomtomtomtomtomnoooooooohthankgodtomtomTOM"

I'm jut glad I didn't get more spoilers though, because that would have actually ruined the movie

I feel as if I should hate the movie right now,, but for some reason I don't completely?? I hate the cheap shock value and "yea that's right bitch we're gonna kill half the fUCKING CAST WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN COME AT US" but I think my 'sometimes too much but usually not enough empathy' is sparking up because I feel sorry for the backlash Marvel's gonna get

NOT THAT MUCH I KNOW they're making a profit I get it I don't actually pity them they're in a great position

Now I'm left wondering how they're gonna bring people back (they better fucking bring everyone back I don't comprehend how they could possibly NOT) in the next one because um?? Just because you want to shock your audience doesn't mean letting your antagonist win won't hurt you in the end?????? ?? Also what is this "let's humanize Thanos uwu" bullshit sorry guys he's not human in species or morality

I will admit,,,, it's pretty indulgent to watch Thor and Quill have a dynamic, or all the egos square up, or Rocket talk to Bucky, or anyone from different universes talk to anyone, because you know what someone of my demographic loves?? Crossovers. They spawn fanfic after fanfic after overcomplicated au and we love it because it's way too much fun but this isn't a fanfic where you kill everyone for angsty shits and giggles

I have never been happier to not be a Loki fangirl, I like him fine but if I was majorly attached I would have cried

Still, I'm kinda staying out of the hatred rn because I still enjoyed enough of the movie to be satisfied, I have low standards and I like seeing everyone in one big fucking mess of fun and tears

I'm actually pretty nope REALLY scared to post any of this but I'm in an impulsive mood and I'm hoping I didn't say anything that others won't agree with

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