▫️135 - Fzyxisnotfun▫️

22 8 7

I mean I guess sometimes but studying sucks

I will miss it next year

Me, crying as I burn my skin off with the most basic (get it) of chemicals: can I go back to failing labs about lightbulbs please

At least I get a break because it's another tag everyone in the world and their cousin twice tag whoop whoop

Let's begin shall we

~ alright alright no need to be pushy~ Blazey :))~ sure~ " "~ pongo un 'title'~ by the power invested in me Pearl of escense I sentence this rule to life in prison under the charges of rude much~ mhmm~ done~ I doubt I'll get tagged again?? Then ag...

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~ alright alright no need to be pushy
~ Blazey :))
~ sure
~ " "
~ pongo un 'title'
~ by the power invested in me Pearl of escense I sentence this rule to life in prison under the charges of rude much
~ mhmm
~ done
~ I doubt I'll get tagged again?? Then again the 28 thing,,, if I do no

Facts 321go

- I'm 5'10" with giant feet and probably gonna stay that way, as a result I'm taller than all my friends but one (and a lot of acquaintances)

- I travel a lot?? I love visiting Europe and I come from a pretty well-off family so I'm pretty lucky, I'm grateful for that

- I'm basically a firstborn with siblings!! I have a sister and brother, both in their thirties, and my dad got divorced before remarrying his daughter's elementary teacher
speaking of siblings, my sister and her fiancé are getting married later this month, they've known each other longer than I've been alive and I'm, so, happy,

- when I was in kindergarten-first grade I quite literally decided and announced that I didn't want any friends because they were dumb

- these are a few of my fa – vo – rite things (oh cool, I've been to Salzburg!) cats, monsoons, doodling in class, feeling appreciated in a group, inside jokes, soft shirts, tan skin, legs, traveling, piano covers, speedpaints, pearls obviously, lions, human characters with wings, webcomics, freckles, and many, many more

- I've been taking piano lessons since I was six! I actually have my recital on Saturday ancientshelpme

- I actually really love color theory!! And shape language!! I'm not particularly good at either but they're legitimately fun

- personal character bio: dirty blonde and flat hair down to my boobs, no real curves but I don't really mind, long stick legs with zero (0) flexibility, blue-green eyes, faint freckles in the summer!!!!

- not really blue paladin but my friends fit the rest, wanting to be a miraculous holder, daughter of Iris/path of Bast(et), lowkey Ravenpuff, Espurr just Espurr, WindClan, SandWing, probably some other stuff I dunno

- I'm very lonely in the romantic department and I'll probably never get a boyfriend but since most of my friends are at least single for the moment I'm enjoying it while it lasts!! Plus I don't have a crush currently so What's The Point (I mean I do want cuddles,, but that's the hormones and fanfic talking a bad combination)

Generic questions 321go

' do you like someone ? '
Hopefully I haven't answered all of these, but yea like I said no

' middle name ? '
I feel like I've said it before but it feels weird to say it for real,, but I mean,, it's not my first or last,,,, here's an obvious obvious hint: McLean

' height ? '
I think I've played myself
Do people even actually say that
Anyway yea again 5'10", I've done so many conversions for physics so no thanks to cm

' shoe size ? '
9.5-10 or even 11, depends on store

' eye color ? '
Blue-green, it actually changes color based on lighting and clothes

' last time I cried ? '
Couple hours ago

' biggest fear ? '
S' funny, I spend so much time building character fears (a core part of the plot) but I never think about my own,,, a big one is sickness, anything from a cough to rash in myself and others will freak me out, although I'm also terrified of scorpions (way worse than spiders or whatever fight me) and things that generally scare people like the unknown

' last song I listened to ? '
Uhhh h,,,,,, I think it was either absolutely smitten by Dodie or that new lapis one from su (I don't even watch the show man but it's, so, pretty, especially as a piano cover)

' favorite app/s ? '
Obviously Wattpad's pretty fun but I also like YT and calming games, or basic photo editing stuff for covers and moodboards and the like

' last person I texted ? '
Technically a gc, but the last singular was Empress

Now for the spoiler,, y'know what no we're doing this boring and silly and out of context

"I don't think that word means what you think it means"
(Yea the whole third arc hinges on that)

Wow it's been a while since I was tagged, I really talk a lot when it happens
Still, I'm in a pretty okay mood rn!! Despite finals!! I actually understand the physics material after studying a bunch and that and finals are all I have left so, yay

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