Chapter Sixteen - Alcohol and Peppermint

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So =)) (yeah, I'm a big fan of So, Ahright, and Yeah, and it'll be in my every author's note hihi) So the first drama is done, many more to go. I think =) this chapter is short so I guess, if I'm done typing this chapter by 9, I'll be posting another chapter, let's pray for that.

Yeah, here's chapter 16, I named it  Alcohol and Peppermint and you'll soon see why =)) don't I just love keeping you hanging? and you love me for that =))

And, special thanks to JuliaMcNeely for making the cover of my story =)) you know I sucked at editing and she really helped me =)) Thank you so much !!!!





**Venice's POV**

I was discharged in the hospital and headed for Marge's car. Harry has his arm around my waist and Kristenn walk beside him.

"I'll just get my car tomorrow." Kristenn said to Marge. She nodded and slid inside the car. Kristenn slid inside the passenger's seat beside Marge and Harry beside me at the back.

"So, I wouldn't be able to go to work. Jay would kick me out for sure." I said breaking the silence.

"Shh, don't worry. Jay would understand this better than anybody else." said Harry, calming me.

"Don't worry Ven. We'll explain this to Jay later." said Marge, looking at the rear view.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3:15 am." Harry whispered. His voice run chills in my spine giving shivers to my body and butterflies in my stomach.

We arrivied at the house after a few minutes. Harry helped me out carefully and snake his arm around my waist protectively. My heart race immediately as he tighten his grip. I stopped walking and Harry noticed this instantly. He stopped and face me. His green eyes looking through my brown ones.

"You okay?" he asked, worry written all over his face.

"I-I'm fine." I muttered, looking down. I started walking towards the door with Harry beside me, his arms around my waist. Marge walked towards the front door sticking the keys inside. She opened the door and strong scent of alcohol overwhelmed my nostrils. It burnt my nose as well as my throat. Harry felt my discomfort and grab me closer to him. His peppermint smell still lingers in him and somehow calm my burning nose. We went inside and the house is a mess. Food, bowls, everywhere. It's like a typhoon raided the house. Lawrence is sleeping in the couch with to of his guy friends beside him. We hurriedly walk upstairs away from the stinking alcohol smell. I opened the door of my room and let Harry close it. I was shocked to see the stains of blood in my floor leading to the balcony. I followed the trail and my eyes grew wide in awe.

"Is the blood all mine?" I turned to ask Harry who is sitting in the edge of my bed. He nodded and I was shocked. I turn to stare at my blood in the balcony floor. If you don't know what really happened, you might think somebody is murdered here. I ran to the bathroom and grab a small pail and filled it with water. I walked out of the bathroom with the pail in my right hand. Harry stood up to help me but I stopped him. He gave me a questioning look but I only smirked in reply. I head to the balcony and splash the water in the little pond of blood. It was easily washed away which I really thank God because I don't know if I could do the same process for a couple of times. I turned around quickly which I regretted afterwards. My head aches and I felt my sight becoming blurry. My head is spinning and I felt I was falling. I'm expecting to hit the floor any moment but strong arms kept me from falling.

"Harry ..." I muttered before darkness engulf me.

**Harry's POV**

Venice collapsed the second time today. I picked her up bridal style and lay her in her bed. I called Marge who is cleaning the mess downstairs and she came running.

"She collapsed again." I said with a hint of worry and tiredness in my voice. I sit next to her and her breathing is quite normal. Small snores coming from her and I knew she's sleeping. I chuckled and stop Marge from calling the doctor.

"She's sleeping Marge. She's fine." I let out a yawn before collapsing beside Venice. I heard Marge chuckle before I felt blanket cover us. I peak to see who is it and I saw Marge.

"Sleep peacefully loves. And Harry, behave yourself." she whispered. I chuckle before shutting my eys and drift to dream land.

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