Chapter Twenty - Around London

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Ahright, I know I'm supposed to be updating last Sunday but I didn't. Don't kill me, I can explain. =)) We arrived Sunday afternoon from a roadtrip, if you can call it roadtrip, anyhow, I'm effin tired, so I slept early. Then the next day, well, I was in my classmate's house to do something and I wasn't home til 6 then I have tons of assignments so, yeah.

Anyhow, I've been saying this a lot, but this is one of my favorite chapter in the story. This is something I wanna do when I visit England =)) 

This is dedicated to AllTimeNutella because I really love her fanfic about 1D, even though she's not a fan. She even made me love All Time Low for some reasons too =)) so, thank you so much !!!

So, here's chapter 20 =)) enjoy !!




**Venice POV**

After rehersals, we head to Nando's for lunch. We sat in a table, me taking the window side of course. I let them order my food since I don't know any. Liam did the ordering together with Niall, Zayn went to the bathroom, Louis is on the phone with El and Harry with me in the table. I stare in the window, looking at random people walking in the outskirts of London. I sighed. I really want to go there. I feel like being a burden again. They boys check if I'm fine every five minutes. Tenn calls me every thirty minutes to do the same thing.

"You okay?" Harry asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Cheer up love. I have a surprise for you." he whispered. My eyes grew wide as he say 'surprise'. I never liked surpriss before but there is something about Harry that I suddenly felt excitement.

"Really?" I asked, he nodded.

'Let me guess, you're taking me to Big Ben?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Not telling." he said. I frown but I know he'll bring me there. He should.

After eating, we climbed back in the van. Anxiety filled me for I can't wait for Harry's 'surprise'.

The ride was quiet, Liam, Zayn,, Louis, Niall and even Harry are sleeping. I want to sleep but I don't know how. As we travel, my heart race and yes, I'm excited.

After 20 minutes of driving, I finally saw the Big Ben. I squeel in my excitement and begin jumping up and down while seated.

"BIG BEN!!!" I exclaimed. Joy can't be denied from my face.

"OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! WE'RE IN BIG BEN!!!!!!" I sream in excitement. I know it's weird because I've been with the five most awesome guys on earth and I haven't fangirl in front of them since we met and here I am, approaching Big Ben, and I'm fangirling like mad. I swear I woke the boys up from their sleep but right now, I don't care.

"What the hell Venice. The first time we saw you, you are barely audible and now you're screaming because you just saw Big Ben. I should have known earlier so I just drive you here." complained Louis, who's stretching.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smirked. The van came to a halt. I'm the first one to get off. There, stood infront of me is the Big Ben. My face full of amazement. I swear I never thought I could actually go here.

"Like what you see?" Harry whispered.

"Big time." I squeel, giving Harry a massive hug. I let go and stare again. I took a photo and post it on istagram tagging my sister.

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