Chapter 4

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The door crashed open and in came Bill towing a now deathly pale matron behind her.

"They've never done that before" she stammered

"Doctor! It's the Daleks" Bill said in a worried voice "are they here?"

"I don't know" The Doctor admitted, looking annoyed that he didn't know the answer to her question. "Let's get to the Tardis and scan the area." The Doctor decided and sprang up from the couch, almost knocking Alison over in his haste. He walked cautiously towards the door and into the coffee table.

"Bill, guide me to the Tardis as fast as you can" The Doctor said reluctantly. Bill grabbed his arm and started running down the corridor followed by Matron Sally and a surprisingly fast-moving Alison. As they got to the Tardis the Matron jumped in front of the doctor.

"You can't just leave!" she shouted

"Out of my way!" The Doctor roared back, letting some of his pet in anger slip through. The Matron lifted her head stubbornly and stayed where she was. 

"Doctor! Look!" The Doctor turned around in time to see a Dalek materialise out of nowhere, followed by two more. The light from the chandeliers of the entrance room gleamed of the bronze surface of the Daleks armour. The Doctor turned towards the opposite corridor as more Daleks appeared, blocking his escape. Alison let out a whine of terror and bolted towards the Tardis. There was a streak of blue light and she lit up, her skeleton showing as if in an x-ray. She fell to the ground and lay still. 

"Don't move" The Doctor shouted. Bill froze and the Matron did likewise. 

"She's dead. They killed her" Bill whispered. The Doctor closed his eyes and let out a breath.

"She was innocent." He said in a quiet voice, filled with anger. This voice scared Bill even more than his raging fury did. "She didn't have to die."

"She-was-not-nee-ded." The Dalek screeched.

"Wait!" The matron shouted, "You said if I brought you The Doctor you would fix my patients, you said you wouldn't harm them!" 

"So at last we, meet your untrustworthy sources."The Doctor sighed. "You should have known not to make a bargain with the Daleks. They have inflicted this problem upon your occupants. If I am correct, they have linked a psychic teleport to the humans staying in this building. 

"They-can-not-stop-ha-ving-the-vi-sions-that-link-us-to-this-place. The-only-way-to-break-it-is-to-kill-them-all. You-will-not-do-this-Doctor. You-are-a-coward. Not-a-killer." 

The Doctor furrowed his brow. "But how will this help you? This Rest Home is of no importance" 

"Once-we-have-found-a-foot-hold-and-have-killed-you, We-can-har-ness-the-whole-Earth's-po-pu-la-tion-we-can-trans-fer-the-whole-Dalek-fleet-into-this -so-lar-sy-stem."

"And take over the world. Like usual." The Doctor finished.

"Con-firmed" The lead Dalek raised his weapon "Ex-ter-mi-nate!"

The Doctor went to dive behind the Tardis where Bill and the Matron were cowering, but accidentally dove in front of it. Bill shouted and started to get up to help him. 

"Get down" The Matron shouted and pushed Bill back behind the Tardis. She grabbed the Doctor as the Daleks advanced and pushed him out of the way.

"Look out!" Bill shouted as another blue flash streaked from the Dalek. 

"Save them" The Matron cried as the beam hit her and she collapsed in a heap. Bill tugged the Doctor into the Tardis and slammed the door.

"Now what do we do? We aren't running away!" Bill turned to face The Doctor.

"Are we?"

"No." The Doctor agreed. "I have a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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