Chirstmas Eve

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Hey guys, Helghast7554 is back and better than ever. Anyway, as you wish, this is the continued part of the series. But why there's only 1 chapter you ask ? Cause from now on, I will update each chapter one by one. So enjoy this one, the next one will come out sooner or later.


*The next morning

Penn's POV

Last night was exhausting, I barely get any sleep, I don't understand why I can't stop thinking about Sashi. I start opening my eyes, still very sleepy, it wasn't until 4 am that I was able to fall as sleep. I got off my bed, instead of getting off like normal people, I just role over, fell on the floor, and crawl to the bathroom, too tired to be able to stand on my two feet. I reach over to the sink, try to pull myself up and start washing my face, brushing my teeth and stuff. After that, I just take my bag and went straight out of the house, and surprisingly, Boone was waiting for me outside.

Boone: Hey dude, remember anything yet ?

Penn: Nope, not yet. But if it makes you feel any better, here's my cupcake - handing Boone a cupcake from his bag.

Boone: Oh you don't have to.

Penn: No I mean it, just take it, I have more.

*On their way to school

Boone: So hey, have you got any plan for tonight ?

Penn: No , why ?

Boone: Well tonight is Christmas Eve and I was wondering if you want to come over for a Christmas Eve party ?

Penn: What the what ?!!

Boone: Wait, you don't know ?

Penn: Yeah, I ... didn't check the calender. I only know that it's Tuesday today.

Boone: Well then, do you wanna come ? I have invited a few of our friends, who you know ...  before you lost your memory, maybe they can help you get it back.

Penn: Sure. Won't hurt giving it a try.

The rest of their trip to school go rather normal. They just talk, talk about almost everything, how this all started, how Penn got a job as a part-time hero, how the trio met, what they have gone through, just normal stuff really, the conversation was so long that they reach their school before they even know it. Everything in school just happens like everyday, Penn enter the school, everybody say hi to him although they have no idea that Penn doesn't remember anything about them. Penn himself is confused, he doesn't know that they are the friends that Boone told him, so he just wave his hand to say hello and make a confusing face. His other classes go pretty well, he got good grade, energetic in his study, except for one - Rippen's Art class ( seem like he has Art class almost every day in the week ). The moment he enter the room, the first thing he encountered is Rippen's creepy face smiling at him, his usual face is already creeping Penn out, now he's smiling like he's trying to fake it, it's even worse. The rest of the period go rather normal, and by normal, it means weird-like normal. Rippen is treating Penn like he was new here, he even give Penn A+ and credit on everything to everyone surprise. And Penn didn't even try to mock Rippen like he always do, but instead very focus on his work. This caused Boone and Sashi to think: "WTF ?!!".

*After school

Boone: What the heck happen to Rippen? It's like he was brainwash or something.

Sashi: Or maybe he is hiding something - making suspicious face.

Penn: Come on guys. He 's our teacher. What can he be hiding ?

Sashi: Penn ! That's Rippen. The guy I told you about, the one that trap your parents in The Most Dangerous World Imaginable. He's evil.

Penn: He doesn't seem all that evil to me, although his face is little creepy.

Boone: He's tricking you dude, don't trust him.

Penn: Ah, sure. If you say so.


*At the Odyssey

Phyllis: Ah you're here. As you already know, today is Christmas Eve. And in this day, Santa Claus's world is always in trouble, so go help him. And as usual, good luck - activating the MUT.

The trio zapped without even manage to say a single word. They arrived in Santa Claus's world, and like before, Penn is Santa Claus, Sashi is an elf and Boone is a reindeer.

Penn: Cool, I'm Santa Claus. Look at my belly.

Boone and Sashi: Yeah, we know.

Sashi: Alright, back to the point - activating her spec - The Ginger army have not yet give up on ruining Christmas, they have swore to annihilate Santa. They have already destroy Santa's present factory and currently heading torward the airfield to destroy the sleigh. We have to get ahead of them.

Penn: But ... if they have destroyed the present factory, then how can we deliver presents if there aren't any left ?

Boone: Wait, I heard something - holding his ears up - It sounds like ... a stampee.

The trio look torward the direction of the sound. From the top of a hill not far from where they are, a pack of reindeers emerge from the snow. It looks like they're carrying something, it's ... presents ... and ... elfs !! "Santa", one of the elfs yelled. The pack reach the airfield, the elfs got off and ran torward Santa with a happy face.

One of the elf: Santa, you're okay !

Penn: Why wouldn't I be ?

Another elf: We thought the Ginger army have already captured you. They have demolished the factory, we only manage to save enough presents for this year. We have to move now, they're on their way.

The moment the elf end his sentence, cannon begins to blast out of nowhere.

Boone (screaming like a girl): THEY'RE HERE !

Penn: Hurry, to the sleigh !

The whole crew started to run to the sleigh. The moment they reach it, they start packing up the presents, the reindeers in their position in front of the sleigh. Penn was thinking of bringing the elfs with him, but when he turn around, they're all gone. He search for them, and spotted them in one the warehouse.

Penn: Hey guys. What are you doing ? Come on.

One of the elf: The sleigh is not big enough for all of us, you go. We'll be okay, we're not the one they are after.

Penn can't do nothing but watch, but he have no choice, he's the one they want. Penn and Sashi gets on the sleigh, Boone joins the reindeers, and they take off. It was right at that moment that the firing finally stops, they felt relieve, but it was no time to celebrate, they still have a long journey in front of them.

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