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Penn's POV

After a day like that, all I wanted to do was go home, take a bath, eat a meal and go straight to bed. That night, I don't understand why I can't sleep, I can't even close my eyes. Is it because of the meal that I ate which Sashi made for us this morning, or is it because of today's mission ? I think about it for a while then come to a result: It's definitely the mission, because the meal wasn't that bad. I can't get the mission out of my head, especially Sashi-the image of her in that gown, am I liking her ?! This is gonna be a long night.

*Back with Rippen

The guy: You're must be joking right ?

Rippen: Believe it or not, it's up to you, but right now I need to get out of here and find something that I need, information to be exact.

The guy: Well, if information is what you're looking for, then I suggest you should find it on Helghast's computer in the control room. It's in the center of this prison.

Rippen: Well how do I get there ?

The guy: I can get you there, but unless you can go through these bars and get me out of here, then there's no way I can help you. And believe me, I tried.

Rippen: Is it really that hard to break these bars ?

The guy: It may sound unbelieveable but these bars are in fact made from a material that Helghast created, he called it "Protonium", 1000 time tougher than diamond. In fact this entire prison is made from that material, even the robots.

Rippen: So there's no way to get out of here ?

The guy: Well ..., you can't break the bars or the walls either. But if you can break the lock, there might be a chance. Here, use this.

The guy start coughing like he was trying to spit something out, and after a while, he spit out a multi-purpose tool and hand it to Rippen.

Rippen: Ew !! What is this ?

The guy: You know what it is, use it, it have all the tools you need. You said you're the guy who started the Zombie Apocalypse right ? Then prove it.

*After 2 hours

Rippen: Phew ! Finally, it open.

The guy: Wow. Can't believe it take that long for you to break that lock.

Rippen: Easy for you to say. You're not the one who have to do this. Now, let's get you out of here.

Larry: Hey Rippen, what about me ?

Rippen: Ah, no offense Larry but I don't need you right now. Besides, you always attract unecessary attention to us. So you better stay here, I'll be back for you later.

Rippen start breaking the lock, this time it only took an hour.

The guy: Thanks, man. Oh, the name's James by the way.

James lead Rippen through hundred of corridors, passed the eyes of thousand of prisoners. But the strange thing is there's no guards in sight.

Rippen's POV

This is freaking creepy, we have passed hundred of corridors, and there isn't even one guard. This is abnormal, even for a maximum security prison."Hey dude, we're here", James whispered. We arrived in front of the main chamber, the control room, we thought there might be 2 guard standing next to the door at first, but there's none. We get in front of the door and it just automatically open. Even the control room is empty, how the hell can it be called a control room if there's no one to control it ?

James: Here we are my friend, the main computer. You can find anything you want with this thing.

Rippen start typing: The zombie apocalypse in ... . "Hey, what year is it now ?",Rippen asked. "2063", James answered. Rippen continue typing: 2062. The computer start analyzing the search and then appeared a whole report of the event.

         The report:
"In 2057, a mad scientist have created a new type of virus, they called it "The Z-virus", which can turn a human into a blood-thirsty creature or as we know it - a zombie. This disease have occured on Earth for over 5 years and have killed billions of people. Until, in 2062, an individual have standed up against the disease with 50 men and 3 leaders of a survivor community by his side to find the lost army of the legendary genius Cade Helghast. That individual is Dan Helghast, a scientist and the last descendant of Cade Helghast. He lost all of his men on the journey but the 3 leaders still managed to survived and they have found the lost army. He ended the disease and became the savior of humanity. The mad scientist who started the disease is still not found, but all of his technology is taken ... "

Rippen: All of my technology is TAKEN, to where ?

"A place you can never entered", a voice occured behind Rippen. Rippen and James turn around and realised they have already been surrounded.

Larry: Hey Rippen. Guess what, you don't need to pick me up anymore, because these guy already have. They know you're up to something so they've been watching you the whole time. This guy told me-pointing at the soldier behind him.*Still sounded very jolly*

Dan: That it, I had enough. Get him out of here.

The soldier pulled Larry out of the room.

Rippen: Where did you keep my technology, especially the weapons ?

Dan: You really think I'm gonna tell you, as if. But why do you even need them, there's no way you can escape this prison.

Rippen: I don't need them, I just need to know the use of the big red gun before I return to that cell.

Dan: You mean the big red one with the letter MD on the side. That stand for Memory Deleter, you know what it use for just by the name.

Rippen: Memory Deleter ! Then Penn's memory must be in there.

Dan: What memory are you talking about ? It's delete memories, not taking them.

Rippen: WHAT ?!

Dan: Enough. Why the hell am I telling you this? Time to return to your cell.

*A zap bring Rippen and Larry back

Phil: What took you so long ? It's already 9 pm. The heroes have already done.

Larry: So why didn't you bring us back ?

Phil: Something's  jamming my device. I can't get to you.

Phil yelled at the both of them. But Rippen then start laughing like a psychopath.

Rippen: This is great. Penn Zero have lost his memory, forever. I can already feel victory. HAHAHAHAHA ...

Phil: What is he talking about ?

To be continued

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