Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to all my new fans!

Chapter 1


I begrudgingly got out of bed and turned off my alarm clock beside me. There was a pounding I’m my head and a growling in my stomach. I pulled my drama t-shirt off the hanger and then huffed to pick up the hanger after it fell off. This was not going to be a great day for me.

I got dressed in my blue drama shirt and black shorts. I didn’t were any jewelry but managed to put on some eye liner to make me look a little more alive. I need to be alive today. It’s the day of the play and I’m the lead. The only reason I’m even in the play is because I can sing. No one and I mean no one can sing at all in the drama club so they got me. But that means I have one more class to deal with Clair in. Yay me.

I slipped on some flip flops and went into the kitchen to find Mom making muffins. “Good morning Mom,”

“Good morning dear,” she glanced at me. “Oh my! Um honey I think you forgot to brush your hair,”

I reached up to my head to find my hair a rat’s nest. I sighed, “I’ll be back in a second,” I ran upstairs and ran a brush through my hair a few times then pulled my hair into a pony tail. I went back down the stairs, “Better?” I asked Mom.

“Yes dear, did you have a rough night?” she asked. I gave her a look that said yes and she nodded. “Okay then, I better through on some bacon and eggs then as well,” she said.

“I had a bad dream. I was on stage and I forgot how to sing. It’s like I tried to sing but no matter how far I opened my mouth nothing would come out,” I said.

She sighed, “Well then I guess you just have to do it right now,”

“What right now?” I asked.

“Well sing the songs you have to sing tonight,” she says as though it were obvious.

“But why?”

“Because your voice is fine right now isn’t it?” she asked.

I laughed, “I guess so,” she nodded for me to start. So I cleared my thought and began to sing the first song of the play. I went through the whole song without missing a note. “Okay so I guess my voice is okay,” I smiled at her. “Thank you,”

“Oh you’re welcome! Now, will you go get Chris out of bed so he won’t be late for school?” she asked.

I stood up and went back up the stairs to Chris’ room. I pounded on the door. “Chris! Get up Chris breakfast is ready!” I pounded again with still no answer. I carefully opened the door found Chris passed out on his bed. “I hope you aren’t dead!” I tip-toed across the horribly messy room and kicked Chris. He roused a bit but went still again. I bent down low, low enough to smell his teenage boy stench and screamed, “Get up!!!!” I then laughed so hard I was about to pee myself because he was close to falling out of the bed.

“Jeez! Anna can you never shut-up?! Leave me alone! I need sleep!” he exclaimed.

“I thought today was the “biggest day of your adult life”” I air quoted.

“Oh crap! It is!” he jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans from the floor and a t-shirt that was lying on his bed. Boys can be so gross.

“What day is it exactly?” I asked.

“It’s the night of the concert that I could possibly play at next week,” he said grabbing his bag.

“Which means..?” I wondered.

“It means,” he said like I was stupid. “…that the people are having a concert, and then auditions. I could get the spot!” he explained.

“Okaaaay. Good luck with that! Does this mean you will not be at our school rendition of the new Hairspray? Aww, you’re such a bad brother,” I said.

“You’ll have another school play, I won’t get another chance like this,” he told me.

“Fine, whatever! I’m eating breakfast!” I huffed and pretended to be offended. I was actually glad. The less people there the better.

When I got back down stairs my breakfast was waiting for me. I happily scarfed down my bacon, eggs and muffin, thanked my mom and then raced up stairs to grab my purse and book bag. I pulled my phone off the charger and threw it in my bag. I ran back down the stairs and raced through the kitchen and toward the front door.

“Oh Hun! Before you leave! You’ve got more mail!” she said and raced toward me with a yellow envelope in hand. I grabbed the envelope and kissed her on the cheek as a goodbye.

I raced to get to the bus stop and got there just as the bus was pulling in. Yes I was the only junior riding the bus, and I knew it. I stepped up the giant sized steps and took the first open seat. I relaxed a little and then ripped open the top of the envelope.

Your sweet lips sing the song of our love

I see your smile when I think of crying

I thought it was something sent from above

But now I know, I know you’re lying

I know this isn't very exciting but it's something! Please tell me if you spot a mistake! I'll try to fix them.

ps. blew off making covers for this:P

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