1.2 Bitch in a Business World

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"Bobby, what are you doing?" Piper looked at her brother with curiosity.

"Hi Piper! I am building Leggos" The 6 year old William answered. Piper and bobby were very good friends since bobby was 6 and Piper's mind was also like a 6 year old. They got together very well.

"Fun! Bobby do you want to play a game with me on grannies birthday?" The male lead's grandmother was going to have a party in a few days and Piper's family was invited. It was also on this party were everything went downhill for Piper Green.

"Piper can I?" Bobby seemed very excited as he stared at his sister with hopeful eyes.

"Of course! You just have to *Whisper*" Piper whispered in bobby's ear carefully

"Do you remember everything?" She asked bobby

"Yes, Piper! I am smart"

"Good, and don't tell anyone that I told you to do this." Piper patted bobby's head before walking away.

Cola, let's see how you will frame me now.

Piper sat down on her pink chair and thought for a while.

PINK, you said I could buy things right?

[Of course!]

Like what?

[You don't have any points so you can't buy anyhting now...]

Thanks for being useless

[At least I din't get hit by a f*cking truck, stupid b*tch]

Well, my name is not as d*mn cheesy as yours, b****tch!

You might think that PINK and Piper were on bad terms but this was just their way of conversing.

After a round of fighting Piper closed down PINK. She was a little tired of PINK and she had a lot of other things to think about. 

"The company has been going well. We're not as big as Toys R U but we still make money"

"Meh, screw this. I'll just go to sleep" Piper threw herself at the bed and went to sleep


The next day Piper went out to shop some new clothes. She really had enough of all those pink dresses. 

Piper ended up at the most expensive mall in the city and because she was too lazy to walk somewhere else, she just decided to shop there.

"I'm rich now so it's okay, I guess" She mumbled before walking into the closest store. 

The cheapest thing she found cost around 1000$. Piper nearly spat out blood. Even though she had a million on her, she hurt seeing those pricetags.

"Hello, Piper!" When Piper sulked over the money she heard a voice

"Cola?" Piper looked at the woman trying to hide her annoyance

"Why are you shopping here? This isn't a store for broke people like you" Amanda didn't bother trying to hide her true face. 

Finally showing your real face now that Bastard(Marcus)isn't here, huh? 

"What do you mean? I'm not broke, I have a lot of money" Piper answered with a naive face.

"Pfft! You probably only have 100$ on you. The cheapest thing in here is 1000$" Amanda laughed at Piper

"But I heard secretaries don't get much money either. Then I guess you are a cheaper person" Piper said with a cute voice. Her statement didn't sound like someone dissing someone, it was more like a child telling people the things they learnt.

"You-you-you..." Amanda was speechless. She indeed did not get a lot of money. Marcus didn't love her so much yet.

"Me what?"

"I will get you for this." Then Amanda ran away

"Bye bye, cheap Cola" One thing Piper and Piper Green had in common were these weird *ss names they gave other people.

After buying some normal clothes, Piper went to a restaurant. It wasn't high class, it was just a family restaurant.

"I want some strawberry cheesecake, thank you" Piper ordered her "food" and then she took a nap. Piper had mastered the ability to sleep with her eyes open and sleep while sitting and standing. It was very convinient sometimes (I don't really think so)

As Piper took a nap, a man came in the restaurant. It was the same man she had bumped into before.

"She walked in here" He thought. He had actually stalked her ever since he saw her at the mall. 

"Can I sit here?" He asked as he stood in front Piper. Seeing that she had no reaction he asked again, "Can I sit here?" this time his voice was a little bit louder.

"Who?" Piper woke up from the voice and she was very annoyed. Who likes it when people wake you up?

"I was just wondering if I could sit here" He said again.

"Can't you just sit somewhere else. There're a lot of tables available, you know" Piper just woke up so she had still not gone in to her Kitten mode.

"I-I mean, I can't talk to strangers according to poppy" Piper activated her kitten mode.

"I'm not a stranger, we met before in the parking lot" The man found Piper very cute "But who is Poppy?" He felt like he wanted to kill this Poppy guy but he still smiled to not scare his kitten.

Pfft! Not strangers? We bumped in to each other and that's it! If we're not strangers then everybody in this world knows each other!

"O-okay." Piper still said okay since she was Piper Green now, a lady with a mind of a 6 year old.

"I'm Lawrence Walker. Nice to meet you" Lawrence put on a big smile after seeing that he had succeded.

"I'm Piper Green" Piper tried her best to smile.

I know I'm cute and all but I don't like people hitting on me. It's f*cking annoying. Especially when you woke me up from my nap time


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