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The Gladers might have thought that everything had gone back to normal, but they couldn't have been more wrong.

"Is that the Greenie alarm?"Clara asked Archie as an alarm blared across the Glade.

"It can't be, I mean, a new Greenie came up yesterday,"Archie reasoned.

Clara looked outside a window of the Med-house, and saw the large crowd gather around the Box. "I think it is."

Clara and Archie jogged to the centre of the Glade where everybody else was.

"Hey, Newt, what's goin' on?"Clara asked Newt, a look of worry plastered across her face.

"I don't bloody know,"Newt answered.

The crowd was quiet, and everyone could hear the deafening sound of metal grinding against metal as the Box made it's way up to the Glade.

There was a muffled boom. The Box had arrived.

Newt and Alby yanked the doors of the Box open with the simple hook-handles that were attached on both sides.

Newt leaned over to get a better look at inside the Box. Suddenly, Newt pushed himself upright. "Holy..."

Alby looked as well. "No way,"Alby breathed.

"What's wrong?"Clara asked at the same time as all the Gladers started to ask questions.

"Hold on!"Alby yelled at everyone. "Just hold on!"

"Well, what's wrong?"Archie yelled back.

Alby stood up, a look of shock washed over his face. "Two newbies in two days,"he breathed. "Now this. Two years, nothing different, now this." He then looked directly at Thomas. "What's goin' on here, Greenie?"

"He doesn't know, Alby,"Clara spoke up, tired of the way Alby had been acting. People whispered and murmured.

Thomas' face turned bright red, and he then said,"Yeah, how am I supposed to know?"

"Why don't you just tell us what's out there, Alby?"Gally called out.

More whispers and murmurs.

"You shanks shut up!"Alby yelled. "Tell 'em, Newt."

Newt looked down in the Box, then looked back at the Gladers, and gravely answered,"It's a girl."

"Another girl?"

"I got dibs on this one!"

"What's she look like?"

"Is she hotter than Clara?"

"How old is she?"

Newt shushed the Gladers, then said,"That's not bloody half of it." He pointed to the Box. "I think she's dead."


A couple of boys grabbed the doors made of ivy vines and lowered Alby and Newt into the Box so they could get the girl out of the Box.

Some of the Gladers hoisted the rope once Alby and Newt were ready, grunting as they did so.

The girl had a thin build, and dark black hair. She looked about fifteen, maybe sixteen.

As Alby and Newt knelt beside the girl, Clara dropped down next to her, trying to see if she really was dead.

"You know this girl, shank?"Alby questioned Thomas.

"Know her? Of course I don't know her. I don't know anyone. Except for you guys."

"That's not...,"Alby sighed in frustration. "I meant does she look familiar at all? Any kind of feelin' you've seen her before?"

"No. Nothing."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Shuck it,"Alby mumbled. "Can't be a coincidence. Two days, two Greenies, one alive, one dead."

"You don't think I..."Thomas started in a panic.

"Slim it, Greenie,"Newt told him. "We're not sayin' you bloody killed the girl."

"I swear she doesn't look familiar at all,"Thomas assured the Gladers.

"Are you-"Newt started, but didn't get a chance to finish.

The girl shot up into a sitting position. She sucked in a large breath, her eyes snapping open and blinking. She looked around at the crowd surrounding her.

"Oh my God!"Clara gasped while Newt gasped and jumped up.

Her pure blue eyes darted back and forth as she took deep breaths.

Her voice haunted and hollow, she spoke.

"Everything is going to change."

She fell back, her right hand shooting into the air pointing towards the sky, a piece of paper being clutched in her hand.

Newt ran forward and grabbed yhe paper, unfolding it as his hands trembled.

Clara leaned over his shoulder to see what it said.

She's the last one.


gif is thomas when teresa comes up in the box



I'm sorry if this chapter was short, the next ones will be longer😍

I'm sorry if this chapter was short, the next ones will be longer😍

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