Chapter 6

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Papers shuffled, and then a groan and thud was heard. Yume dropped her hands, still holding the offending piece of paper. She closed her eyes and let out a short breath. This wasn't going to go how she wanted to, at all.

Lazily, Yume scanned the page again, the bright red color of the letter C popping out at her again. Darn science.

She used a hand to push aside her bangs briefly and turned her head to the side to glance at the clock she had on her wall. 1:18, it read.

Yume jolted, her chair shoving behind her with a squeak as she leaped off of it to grab her jacket and bag. She was supposed to meet a kid at the library at 1:30 and it took her at least ten minutes to walk there!

Shoving her book and some papers into her bag from her desk in a flurry, Yume rushed down the stairs, throwing out a quick goodbye to her parents.

As she made it to the corner across the street from the library, she almost ran into someone who was coming around it from the other side. Yume didn't spare a glance, only letting out a quick and breathless, "Excuse me!" and keeping on her path to the library, making it at 1:27.

The figure she passed on the street, however, stopped, keeping an eyes on her as she raced inside. He hummed, putting a hand on his chin, and turned to the crosswalk.


"Thank you for your help. My mom said to give this to you," the little boy said, handing Yume an envelope.

Yume took it from the seventh grader and smiled, "Thanks. Let me know if you need another session. You know how to reach me."

The boy nodded, gathering his things up, "Sure. Bye."

Yume waved cheerfully as he left, then looked at the envelope. Opening it up, she saw a ten dollar bill. Yume gulped. An hour for ten dollars wasn't bad... it just wasn't great. Especially is this was a part time thing. She needed to get more.

With a sigh, Yume stood up and gathered her things up neatly. She straightened out her skirt and looked around. Maybe a book would cheer her up, or help, if she found the right one.

She went down a random empty aisle, scanning the titles to catch the genre; history. Her nose scrunched into a frown, no thank you. Yume went to the end of the row to turn to see the next, but found her face to face with another body. She jolted, "Oh, sorry!" She whispered. She looked up and blinked, "Huh, Subaru?"

The boy blinked back at her, "Yo. What's up?"

Yume shrugged, "Nothing really. I thought I would get a book but I don't really know. What are you doing?"

Subaru glanced at the watch around his wrist, "Just spending some free time. But I should probably get going soon."

"Yea, I guess I'll just go too," Yume said softly. They made their way to the exit, heading out on the street.

"I saw you with that kid," Subaru said, "what was that about?"

"Oh," Yume said, rubbing her arm, "I was just tutoring him a little bit for some quick money."

"Money?" Subaru raised an eyebrow. "Are you looking for a job?"

Yume shrugged, "I mean, I don't know. Maybe. Depends." She sighed.

Subaru glanced at her from the side of his eye, but kept walking. "There's this cafe that I go to sometimes."

Yume raised an eyebrow.

"And I saw a hiring post there the other day," he continued.

"Oh," Yume said, thinking. "What's it called? I'll look into it."

"Rain Flower Café," Subaru replied. "It's just down this street, maybe six blocks down and then to the left two more blocks in a small plaza."

Yume nodded, keeping the instructions in her head, "Alright. That's pretty close. Thank you."

He shrugged, "Sure thing." He turned and pointed down the path, "I'm headed this way. See ya."

Yume waved, "Bye! Thanks again!"

Subaru gave a quick salute with his fingers and turned down the lane.

Yume slowed down as she approached a crosswalk. She lifted her gaze to the clouds as she watched them go by slowly with time.


Ako was in the middle of her story about something that had happened in her class that morning, when Yume's phone rang mid-chew of her lunch. She quickly swallowed the bite, glancing at the number and standing up. "Excuse me," she told the girls, as she scurried to step outside the cafeteria. She picked up the phone call with a quick greeting.

"Hi, is this Yume Nijino?"

"Yes it is," Yume replied, a hand going up to twirl in her pigtails nervously.

The woman on the line spoke about her application to the cafe she submitted, and finally gave her the news that she was expected for an interview.

"Thank you so much," Yume said.

"Sure thing. We'll see you later."

Yume smiled, "Yes, bye!"

With that, she hung up, and turned back to go inside with a bright smile on her face.

When she returned to the table, she was the receiving end of 4 curious faces.

Yume slipped into her seat and let out a breath as she said, "So, I applied for a job at this cafe... And that was them right now! They want to interview me!"

"That's great, Yume!" Laura cheered.

"You're going to get it for sure," Koharu said.

"Well that doesn't sound so bad," Mahiru smiled.

Ako grinned, "If it's a sweets cafe, we should be too surprised with Yume."

They laughed, and Yume smiled at them, "Thanks guys. It would be great if I can get it."

"I'm sure you will," Laura winked.

Yume grinned, closing her eyes for a moment, "Yea!"


Saturday morning was her interview. It was obvious that she passed when they handed her a uniform and told her to get to work immediately. Yume followed along with one of the girls already working there, Umi, and then was left to serve alone.

While wiping down a table near the door, she called out a welcome as she heard the chime at the door ring, meaning someone had entered. Yume stood up to grab a menu and find the person as they sat down at one of the empty tables.

She stopped when she made it to the table and blinked, "Subaru!"

Subaru looked equally surprised, but smirked, "Looks like you got the job, huh?"

Yume nodded, "Yup! I started today, actually."

"Congrats then," Subaru replied. He glanced down at the menu, then closed it, "I'll take the Honeybee Kiss Cake today."

Yume nodded grabbing the pamphlet, "Got it." She turned to leave but jerked back, "Oh, and thank you. Really."

Subaru flapped his hand at her, waving her off, "I said it was fine."

Yume grinned. It seemed that things were picking up for her.

Next time! Laura does some stuff! (i honestly dont even know (what a crappy preview wow))

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