Chapter 7

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A melody was playing out in the room. The sound was slow and jagged.

"All wrong!" Laura called. "I thought you said you had memorized this?"

Mahiru shrinked in on herself, "I had. This is why I need the practice."

Laura rubbed her face, "Did you even look over the music first?"

Mahiru stopped, "Uh... oops."

Laura sighed, then reached in her bag, "Luckily for you, I brought one. So read it and play it. I'll correct you as you play."

Mahiru took it and nodded, reading it over, "Okay."

Laura hummed and say down, taking out her notebook and a pen. "Go ahead and start."

Mahiru placed the papers at the stand and rested her fingers over the keys before beginning to play.

As she played, Laura would call out her wrong keys while working on her homework. After about an hour, Laura stopped her.

"I think that's enough for one day," she said.

Mahiru stood up and stretched her arms out. "Thank you. I think that really helped."

Laura laughed, "You're welcome. But you've gotten really rusty. You're going to need a lot more practice."

Mahiru sighed, "Yea, I know."

Laura shrugged her bag over her shoulder, then gestured for Mahiru to follow as they left the practice room, "I heard you and Koharu went shopping the other day. What was that about?"

Mahiru shrugged, "Oh it was Koharu's idea. I was feeling... a bit down so we went to cheer up."

"Just to cheer up?" Laura repeated, a twinkle in her eye.

"Yea, of course," Mahiru replied, raising an eyebrow at her in confusion.

Laura let out her breath lightly, then laughed, "Okay."

Mahiru caught sight of a poster on the wall, "How are the campaigns coming along?"

Laura glanced at the wall and let out a tired sigh, "Good, I guess. I didn't think we'd have so much work to prepare for it. The candidates have just the same, though."

"Hm, talking about candidates," Mahiru pondered, "we should ask Ako if she needs any help."

Laura sighed but grinned, "I guess you're right."

They turned around the corner to head outside, when they spotted a familiar figure at a locker.

Laura smirked, "Well, speak of the devil and it shall appear."

Mahiru covered her laugh.

"Hey Ako!" Laura called out then, causing the red head to turn from her locker.

"Ah, Laura, Mahiru. What's up?" Ako greeted as she carefully held her bag and closed the door.

"That's what we wanted to ask you," Laura replied. "How's your campaign coming along?"

Ako smiled, "Oh yes. I am perfecting my speech at the moment. I also got Haruka from class to design a campaign poster for me. It turned out great, I can't wait to show you."

Mahiru nodded, "That's great! We'll help you pass them out or hang them."

Ako nodded, "I'm counting on it."

Together, the three of them exited the school building, making it to the front steps.

"Laura!" Yume called from beside Koharu, where the two, were waiting for the others. "Over here!"

Laura led the two others down. She stuffed her hands into her pockets casually, "What's up, Yume?"

Yume grinned, "Do you guys wanna go to the cafe? I'm going to be working now."

"That sounds like fun," Mahiru said.

Ako crossed her arms and turned her nose up, "Well, if the rest of you are going, I might as well join."

"Um, actually," Laura cut in, "I still have a ton of work left. Should really get to it."

The girls turned to her in surprise, Mahiru in particular, "Still?"

Laura nodded stiffly, "Yup, sure do."

Ako kept her arms crossed and closed her eyes as she turned away slightly, "Well I won't stop you but you do know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

When no one responded, Ako peeked an eye open, only to find Laura gone and the rest of the girls staring at her.

Ako screamed, "She left!"

Koharu nodded and pointed into the school, "Laura ran away when you started talking."

Ako hissed, throwing her paws into the air towards the school, "When I get my hands on her!"

Yume and Koharu laughed at Ako, and Mahiru casted a glance into the school with worry.

"It's okay," Yume said, marching forward, "Come on, let's go!"

Inside of the school, Laura panted heavily from her spot leaning against some lockers. She knew no one would follow her in, but she also knew that they would be suspicious. Laura wasn't doing a good job of staying away, was she? Her mother was going to be so mad if she found out.

Laura dropped her hands and sighed. What was she going to do. It wouldn't be too long before Yume figured it out. She was sure that Mahiru, Koharu, and Ako already knew that she was overly using her council work as an excuse.

She pushed off the lockers and strolled down the hallway. She would figure it out later. But now that she was still at school, she might as well get more things done. 

Next time: Ako's campaign in the works! 

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