Dear Keith (Kinda)

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A/N: I don't know for the child's name. Just pretend if you want a different name. The child goes by Keith cause she really likes the name. Ok let's go!


Y/N: Bold

Keith: Underlined

Keith PoV

I was walking toward our child's room to try and find Y/N. I was walking down the hall until I heard singing. The voice sounded like an angle. I followed it to C/N room. I opened the door slightly to see Y/N sing ping to our baby girl. I leaned against the door frame as she sang.

Dear Keith what to say to you 

You have my eyes you have your father's name 

When you came into the world you cried 

And it broke my heart 

I smiled as I saw my wife singing to our baby. And what's she was saying is true.

I'm dedicating every day to you

Domestic life was never quite my style

When you smile

Your knock me out and I fall a part 

And I thought I was so smart

It's true when C/N first smilies she had tears of happiness in her eyes and she freaked out whenever she did something cute.

You will come of age with our youngest nation

We'll bleed and fight for you we'll make it right for you

I started singing with her. She was caught off guard but kept singing. I started walking to her and I wrapped my arms around her waist and I was looking at C/N.

If we lay a strong enough foundation 

We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you 

And you'll blow us all away...

C/N already did that. When she first me Shiro he immediately started hugging her and said that when shes older no boy would be good enough for her. That was supposed to be my line. Lance fell so hard for C/N. I mean she has Y/N sparkling E/C and my raven hair. Pidge isn't really a girly girl bug she started talking in a baby voice with Allura to C/N. Clean true to tell C/N to call him Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man. What a weirdo. Hunk made sure C/N was well fed and that she'll have one cookie before her bedtime.

Someday someday

Yeah you'll blow us all away

Someday someday 

My father wasn't around

My father wasn't around

I swear that I'll be around for you

At a young age both me and Y/N had lost our fathers. That'll be hard to explain to C/N when she grows older cause Shiro was like our father so...

I'll  do whatever it takes

I'll make million mistakes

I'll make the world safe and sound for you

We'll do anything in our power to make sure that C/N grows up safe and happy.

...Will come of age with our young nation

We'll bleed and fight for you we'll make it right for you

If we lay a strong enough foundation 

We'll pass it on to you 

We'll give the universe to you 

I chuckled at her choice of words. While Y/N was singing C/N eyes lit up with wonder and pureness. (Auto correct changed pureness to penis. wtf is wrong with my auto correct).

And you'll blow us all away...

Someday, someday

Yeah you'll blow us all away 

Someday, someday 

And with that C/N fell asleep in Y/N arms. She giggled and placed her in her crib. She kissed the top of her forehead and we left the room

"So did you like my performance?" She asked jokeingly.

I chuckled and nodded. I gave her a peck on the cheek and started walking to the living room and just relaxed. I had my arm over Y/N shoulders and we stayed like that for a while until someone woke us up I chuckled.

"What number is this?" I asked jokingly.

"27" she answered. Before she left she gave me a kiss on the forehead. I sighed with bliss and I know I have been blessed with the best life, best friends, best wife, and I have been blessed with the best child a father could ever asked for.

A/N: Ok I added another part to this and I really wanted to do this. I might take another break because I have exams and I want to do good on it soon yeah that's the deal. This one is shorter than the other two because this song is like a lullaby. Not much to go off of. But I did work really hard on this. Again I might add another chapter I'm not sure. Sorry abOut the name changes freaking typos.



Word count 732

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