When Keith Grows Up

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A/N: Ok so I was bored so I was on YouTube and I saw people doing a skit where the paladins could only song to talk to each other and one of Keith's songs was 'When I Grow Up' by The Pussycat Dolls and it was a male version. So I thought hey what if in this AU Keith is a famous singer and Lance was able to get front row tickets. So here we go!

Lances Pov 

I was bored so I checked my Instagram and it turns out that my favorite artist is coming to town. I'm trying to keep my shit together because my sister, Y/N was here with her friend Pidge. Apparently I made so clear that something was wrong with me so she took my phone.

"H-Hey that's mine give it back!" I exclaimed trying, key word trying, to get my phone back.

"So Keith Kogane is coming to town? I take it that your going? If I where you I would try to get get tickets. I hear he sells out fast", and with that I bolted to my room to grab my computer to get tickets. 

Luckily not many people saw his post so the tickets were pretty cheap and they were front row seats. Thank God for annoying little sisters!

"Guess who got three front row tickets to Keith Kogane?!" I asked my sister.

"No way! I thought they would be sold out!" Y/N exlaimed.

"Well not that many people saw his post so I got three front row tickets for wait for it.... $80!" As soon as I said that her mouth dropped and hit Satan straight on the head.

"That's so cool!" Her face went to a small frown. I knew exactly why she thinks I'm not going to take her. Ever since I saw R/S I always went to concerts but never took my sister even though  she helped me get the tickets. 

"Hmm who to take? I know let's play a game!" She had a very confused look on her face but went along with it

"The person I'm taking knows me inside and out, has H/T H/C and E/C" I gave her some clues but she shrugged.

"Her name starts with F/L and ends with L/L and her birthday is in B/M" her eyes lit up and tears were forming. 

"Your taking me, why?" She asked.

"I owe my sister for helping me getting tickets to literally everything" she giggled.

" Can I take Pidge to she likes him to?" She asked. I nodded my head and right before running up stairs to tell her friend what was going on she asked what time the concert was and I told her it started in two weeks.

*Two Weeks Later*

I am very excited for this so much it came to the point to where my sister said 'Keep your shit together! It's embarrassing!'

About fifteen minutes went by and a security guard came up to the front row.

"Alright during the show Keith might chose one of you guys to go up on stage. It's not for sure but it is possible and after the show you guys are going to meet Keith." And with that he left. 

Wait, what did I buy?

 The three of us looked down and we saw that I had gotten VIP passes.

"Lance you just hit the mother load!" Pigde said breathlessly.

I was freaking out more than a normal person should when they find out that they got VIP passes to their favorite artist.

A few more minutes of waiting the opening artist came in. Apparently her name was Allura and she was new to this but damn could she sing.

"Helooooo Los Angeles!! How are you guys tonight?" Keith exclaimed.

Everyone shouted as answer.

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