Congratulations Keith!

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A/N: In this au the reader (you) is Lance's little sister and Keith is a very important business man and he cheated on the reader to keep his job. So Lance confront him and might confess his secret love. Also this is a modern au. So enjoy!

Lance's PoV

Keith Kogane is said to had an affair with R/G/N! How does this affect his family?

My eyes widen as I saw the news article. How could he have done this? And why did he do this?! Wait.... Does Y/N know? I grabbed my car keys and started driving to Keiths house. This can be true, can it? After what rely like forever I finally made to the bastards house.


Lance Bold

Keith Underlined 


Keith, Congratulations 

"Hey whats up man?" Keith asked trying to have a normal conversation like the affair never happened.

"You have invented a new kind of stupid
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid"

I said to him.

He was taken back from what I said.

"Let's review
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
I begged you to take a break, you refused to"

I brought out he refused to take a break much to Y/N beggjng. She wanted to spemd more time with  him, this is is not what shs had in mind.

"So scared of what your enemies will do to you
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
You know why Lotor can do what he wants?
He doesn't dignify school-yard taunts with a response!
So yeah, congratulations!"

I shouted at him. He keeps saying how he could never beat Lotor so now what's the point Keith lost this battle.

"Lance" He said, he was at his breaking limits now.

"You've redefined your legacy

Congratulations" I said sarcastically.

"It was an act of political sacrifice!" Keith shouted back.

I languished in a loveless marriage in Cuba
I lived only to read your letters
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
And you know what I'm here to do?" 

It's true it was an arranged marriage and it had no love in it what so ever. The only thing that kept me going was Keith's creative letters.

"Lance?" Keith questioned.

"I'm not here for you
I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind"

Y/N is my loving, trusting, kind sister and you broke her!

"And a million years ago she said to me 'this one's mine'
So I stood by
Do you know why?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
I will choose her happiness over mine every time

At that party when I first met you Keith. I started to have a crush on you and the time that I spent with you was amazing, but I love Y/N more than my own happiness.

"Y/N" Then at that point Keith's eyes were filling up with tears.

"Is the best thing in our lives
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
For the rest of your life
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Give her the best life

And at that point I left his house, I don't want to see him and I'll make sure Y/N is safe from him.

No ones POV

Keith was a curled up ball on the floor crying. He never thought this emtire thing would blow up in his face. He loves Y/N with all of his heart. But why did he do this? This was the only question he could not answer.

A/N: This was fun to write. I did add a little bit if Klance, cause in the song its Angelica saying that she gave her self up so her sister can be happy. Alexander finds out and puts the pieces together and starts to break down. So I was like what if Lance was Angelica, Keith was Hamilton, Andy the reader is Eliza.... PERFECT! So yeah I do request just tell me the song, story, and ship (x reader, klance things like that).

                    Happy Mother's Day!



Word count 715

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