Will you marry me Lance?

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A/N Ok, I heard this song and I just had to ok. It's perfect and season 6 is coming out in a few more weeks! So this is to hype up season 6

Keith PoV

Today is the day where I pop the question. After two years of dating and we known each other for about three years I think it's time to tie the knot. I talked to Allura and Shiro because who else to ask for advice than the Space Parents (Yes I do ship Allura and Shiro they are space parents and you can fight me on that....... please don't). I've gotten it all planned out. There's a special place in the castle where it can mimic palace you want to see. It does a really good job and everything seams real but it's not. The setting that I have it on is a beach in Cuba. Lance can go on and on about how much he misses it. I never had a home or a family until I became a paladin of Voltron. 

The next thing is we have a picnic on the beach and we'll talk for a while then that's when I ask the question but not before a song. I sing him 'Marry Me' by Jason Derulo. And after the song I'll ask him and hopefully he'll say yes. I'm praying that this doesn't back fire on me cause I wOrKeD mY aSs OfF dOiNg ThIs. And Lance was one of the very few people I let in to my heart. I push people away before they get to know me and they judge me. I still have some walls up but they're slowing coming down.

*Time skip to Keith trying to calm down*

After a while of prepareing my self I walked over to Lances room. I hope he didn't forget about our date. I knock on the door hesitantly.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called out.

"It's me Keeiitthh. I aaamm your boyyfrieend" I shouted back teasingly.

I heard a chuckle come from the other side of the door.

"Why hello there Keith, what might bring you here?" Lance asked in 'proper' voice.

"I just wanted to see if my date is ready?" I asked with a smirk

Lance turned a dark red that out my lion to shame.

"We we we have a date to-today?!" Lance asked freaking out.

I nodded my head. The next thing I know is that I see a door in my face.



I don't know what just happens here but ok then. I slowly started walking back towards my room which is right next to Lances I might add. I close the door behind me and sat on my to ponder of something great. I'm imagining Lance surprised face when I ask him the question but I don't know anymore.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I shouted. What can I say the bed is comfortable 😗

"It's me Lance" the voice shouted back. 

I quickly ran towards the door and I open it. It revealed Lance in Jeans and a blue polo shirt with a black dress shirt (ya know the black kind of jacket. Please tell me that you understand what I mean). I gave a small smile.

"Come on the least you can do is wear a little red? After all you did slam the door on me" I gave him a smirk.

"Come on don't we have a date?" He asked me. He won't admit it but he has a slight blush on his cheeks. 

I place my hand in my right pocket and gave out a little sigh of relief that the box was still there. I nodd my head in agreement .

We walked and talked until we reach the room. I double check to make sure that everything was set for today. I walked behind him and covered his eyes with my hands.

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