Just Friends

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This chapter was made by Aria_Draws
"Breaking News- Lance McClain, Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson, Hunk Garret, and most surprisingly Takashi Shirogane, have been found. These missing persons have been gone for months, Mr. Shirogane for years, but today have returned in the most extraordinary way. Margaret Leon is at the scene, tune in for more at eleven pm eastern time-" You quickly turned off the T.V, what even...Keith? After all these years....... Your thoughts were cut off by a knock at the door, a muffled voice yelling, "(Y/N)! Open up the door I've been waiting here for the past three minutes dangit!"
"I'm coming! Jeez chill out..." You quickly replied. Walking over to the door and swiftly opening it you see the face of your best friend Colleen, her piercing green eyes appeared wide with excitement, her black pixie cut moving across her face.
"Did you see the news?! Ohmygoditwassocoolapparentlytheyhaverobotspacelions-" You our your hand over her mouth before she could complete her sentence.
"Get inside and talk slowly, now." You said lowly. She walked in, closing the door behind her, and sat down on the couch, you plopped down beside her. Since Colleen was a highly respected writer and a reporter she was always one of these first people at any event that could be created into an award winning story.
She took a deep breath, "So I went to the scene where the people who went missing were found okay? And when I got there I saw these...huge robotic lions and the guys were wearing this armor type of stuff, then this woman named Allura came up to me and introduced herself as the Princess of Altea. When I asked what Altea was she said that it was her home planet. I met an alien (Y/N)! Well two aliens actually, the other guys name was Coran. Oh and I told them that they could stay here at your house since they needed a place to stay-"

"You what?!" You asked.

"Well I knew that you'd be okay with it since you have such a big house and yet you don't live with anybody, not to mention some of the guys are quite attractive~" She replies.

"Ugh fine....." You say. Keith....wait... oh my god I get to see Keith again... Before he went missing, you were Keith's only real friend, you used to always hang out with him after he got kicked out of the Garrison, and your guys' bond was unbreakable.

"I should get going, I got some great pictures and this story is going to be great!" Colleen said.

"O-Okay Colleen...see you later" You replied. She opened the door and left, leaving you with your thoughts. Twenty minutes later your door was knocked on, again. This time you opened the door cautiously seeing as you didn't know who was at it. Once open you were created by a tan woman with white hair and pink markings under her eyes.

"Hello I am Allura, Colleen directed us to this address, are you (Y/N)?" She asked.

"Um yes" You replied.

"Ah, pleasure to meet you, I hope it isn't a problem that we're saying with you" She sheepishly said.

"It's no big deal, come in" You replied.



last half didnt save and now iM UPSETKDLNLSJHJSHN -Aria

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