1-800 Logic

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A/N: Hey guys let me just say that this one shot will deal with suicide, depression, and self harming. If you are feeling this please seek help. If you feel like your a waste of space your not. People will miss you and you think you might be solving your problems but your passing on problems. I may be a random person on the internet but I've been there and I'm still recovering, that's going to take time. Now with that being said this will be 'Keith x Depressed! Reader. 


'Why am I here? Nobody wants me......  not even my own friend' I thought to myself as I stood on top of a tall building. As I stand here all the memories that I had with you are coming back. But that doesn't matter any more. I already lost every thing. My mom, my dad, my brother, you. As I jump from the building my life flashed before my eyes.

*Flash back 3 weeks ago*

I got lunch with Keith as usual and we sit by a tree, but today was different. I saw Keith this morning but I couldn't find him at lunch. 'He probably went home sick' I thought to  myself. After I finished eating I started heading to the band room. For some reason the band room always comfort me. As I was walking I heard Keith's voice and someone else's.

"Listen I don't hang out with Y/N cause I want to-" Keith was cut of from finishing his sentence.

"Then why do you hang out with her?" I  didn't really recognized the voice but I didn't like where this was going.

"What does she do to you for you to stay? Does she do your homework? Your chores? Oh don't tell me that she pleasures you!? Ha! Then the rumors are true, then Y/N Shirogane is a slut ha! Imagine how her family must feel after all they do believe in honor. Well it was nice talking to ya Keith , see ya later!" And with that the conversation with the mystery  voice ends.

Keith comes out of the room and his eyes widen. Tears were flowing with no end in sight.

"H-How could You? After evening we've been through. The least your could do was to tell him that was not true." I said to him.

"I-I" before he could say anymore I cut him off.

"Why do you hang out with me? Am I that pathetic for you to be my friend? Does being my friend make you feel good about yourself? ANSWER ME GOD DAMNIT!" I shouted at him. At this point I was just on the floor crying hysterically. Nothing he said absolutely nothing why? Is what I said true? 

"Forget it. I need to go to my next class" I said.

Ever since that day everything went downhill. People were asking me how good I am, if I can do their homework, chores, and other things. 

I don't know when the cutting started, but I don't want it to end. It's like little pieces of me are fading away, day by day. And one day I thought, 'What if I never existed? Would Keith be happier?...... yes. Would he be smiling? Yes. Would my family still be alive? Yes' .

*End of Flashback*

So that's how I got here. It doesn't matter anyways. I will leave this world and no one will notice.

Keith POV 

'Why did I not say anything?' I thought to myself after the big argument.

*Flashback to the same time*

I was walking to the band room to tell Y/N how I feel. I had it planned out and everything, until B/N came in to the room.

"Keith KoCain what are you doing here?" The boy slurred. I was about 3 to 4 feet away from him and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Like I said before it's Kogane, Ko-Ga-Ne, anyways what do you want?" I corrected him.

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