How's the Fourth With You? - An Article by @RoshelleD

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For this article I decided to take a different approach. I'll start off by saying that my job is one where being a superhero is all the rage. To that end there are also Storm Troopers on every floor and pictures of Star Wars in a lot of places I go. In short, it's a much more positive atmosphere than any place I've worked and I think Star Wars plays a part in that. The CEO of our company has his name in his office using the same font from Star Wars. Yoda is his favorite character and he loves Star Wars so much because when he was young and going through tough times, the movies provided him with a symbol of hope. He feels like they helped shape his viewpoint and made him the person he is today.

With that in mind I decided to ask five people the same four questions about Star Wars. I won't post their names but I will post their answers. I tried to be a little out of the box with them so here goes...

Name your favorite Hans Solo quote:

Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money"

"That's not how the Force works!"

"I take orders from just one person: me."

Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her."

"I used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the dark side and the light. Crazy thing is... it's true. The Force. The Jedi... All of it... It's all true."

Favorite light saber fight:

2 were for Cloud City, 1 was for Obi-Wan vs Anakin and 2 were for Obi-Wan and Darth Maul.

Do you consider yourself to be more like Darth Maul or Darth Vader?

3 said Vader, one said Maul and the other pled the fifth (but finally answered with Darth Vader).

What does Star Wars mean to you?

Friendship: I remember meeting up with a couple of my friends and watching Episode 1. I looked forward to that moment as much as I looked forward to watching the movie.

Family: I remember as a kid how much I loved the atmosphere and the environments. At first it was all about the fighting but in the end Darth Vader became who he was because of losing a very important member of his family. Watching the movies also became a sort of family tradition. One I hope to continue with my own kids.

Friendship: When I was young, I used to imagine myself in a world where I could meet other people who had the same goal I did. Sure the characters got involved with Luke and Leia for their own personal reasons, but in the end I feel like them being friends is what helped them get through the fights and close calls

Good and evil and how sometimes life is just a long string of good and bad decisions. Some change us for the worse and some change us for the better but they make us who we are.

An awesome universe. No matter what anyone says everything from the characters to the ships and the fights are all about great sci-fi and a damn good space opera. Everything else is a bonus. I know it's cheesy, but there's a reason Star Wars resonates with so many people. Redemption, adversity, getting over your childhood, friends, you name it, you can find it.

May 4th, much like Star Wars has become so much more than just a day or just movies. How about you? Any favorite moments or memories? Or I would love to know how you plan to spend the fourth. I'm going to grab some cheesecake and catch Episode 1 after I get off work.

Tevun-Krus #55 - May The 4th Be With You: The Space Opera SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now