1 }{ Meeting faces prt 1.

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It was Jungkook's first day at Sunhwa Arts High school and he was extremely anxious. He was home-schooled for most of his education life until now that is.

He was the kind of guy who was naturally attractive, his hair was dark brown, it was messy on some days, but he made messy look gooooooood. His skin was fair and flawless, no acne except for some on his back and baby freckles that dotted the edge of his cheekbones. He is kind, smart, and athletic. A perfect student someone could say.

He huffed in a big puff of air and stepped past the school gates. He exhaled and saw a small cloud appear from his breath. It was nearing winter time so it was getting colder and colder and with Jungkook staying outside, he wasn't helping his own case of the sniffles that were now bothering him.

Walking towards the school's entrance, he could hear the soft crunches his shoes made from the snow that had sprinkled the ground the night before. He stepped up to the door thinking it was a push door, but when it slid open for him, his eyes opened wide for a split second in astonishment and closed back to their original position.

He knew the school was a prestigious one, and well know, not only for its art reputation but as well as its high level in academics. The cost to take the exam to get in and for tuition, in general, was a pretty penny, but knowing Jungkook's family connections and business establishment, it wasn't too hard.

Jungkook walked up to a big picture frame strapped up to a side of a wall that labeled "Map" to find where the office was. After taking a small glance, he realized that the school had a ginormous campus. He couldn't seem to find the office in the few minutes of staring at the picture.

"You're looking for the administration's office right?"

The voice startled Jungkook, not in a bad or scary way, but more like an Ohmygod-was-I-being to obvious? kinda jump. He turned around and only saw a clothed chest, so he had to look up to see who was talking to him. It lasted a minute, but the more Jungkook looked, the longer it took for words to come out of his mouth.

The dude now in front of him was tall, a toned facial structure, and very broad shoulders. He had a soft smile and pink hair. There was a name tag stuck on his shirt, which was probably part of the schools uniform.

The tall stranger left back a bit, realizing how close he actually was and raised his hand to meet Jungkook's, who immediately, but casually, raised his too for a handshake

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The tall stranger left back a bit, realizing how close he actually was and raised his hand to meet Jungkook's, who immediately, but casually, raised his too for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm SeokJin, but many people just call me Jin. and you are?"

"Hello, the name's Jeon Jungkook. A pleasure to meet you, Jin."

The person called Jin chuckled a bit while letting the handshake go.

"No need to be formal, I'm not that old to be talked to like an old man. But you seem to be new here, do you need help finding the registration office? Well, I was heading over there just now if you want to tag along?"

Jungkook wanted all the help he could get at the moment, being new and all, and he agreed to Jin's proposal with a slight blush that waved over the tip of his nose.

"Thank you, Jin, that would be great!"

"Aish, now that sounds too stiff, just call me hyung...ppfft-hahaha!"

Jin tried hiding a laugh behind his hand, failing poorly, and Jungkook who found himself laughing along beside him.

After a few minutes of walking and a little bit of explaining, the pair arrived at the doors to the admin's office. Jin went in first and waved to a teacher, who smiled and waved back.

"Hello Mr.Byung-joon! I have the papers you needed to get signed! Oh, and we have a new student! HIs name is Jeon Jungkook and he would like to get his schedule ASAP!"

Jin happily exclaimed as Jungkook stared in awe as he kept close to Jin and wanted to shut his fat mouth with his hand. But all he could do was chuckle a little bit, and look down sheepishly until the teacher who was referred to as 'Mr.Byung-joon' answered Jin.

"Ah yes, thank you Jin, and...Jungkook was it? Welcome to Sunhwa Arts high school, we are happy to have you here, and yes I was just about to look for you, in fact, I was so ready that your schedule is right here!"

Jungkook was it? Welcome to Sunhwa Arts high school, we are happy to have you here, and yes I was just about to look for you, in fact, I was so ready that your schedule is right here!"

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Mr.Byung-joon handed Jungkook a piece of paper with a chart on it. Jungkook looked over his classes and he bowed in appreciation. Jin smiled and asked to see if they had the same classes together, and it turns out...

"Wow!! We both have the exact same classes! I'm excited, I have friends in every class and I know you'll like them, shall we get along then?"

Jungkook flashed a smile at his hyung. 'He's funny, and he's not too loud either, I think I'll come to be comfortable around him quickly.' He nodded and followed Jin to what happened to be the fifth period, right before lunch because it took him a while to get there.

When they opened the doors, everyone got quiet. Jin bowed, and Jungkook followed close behind. After closing the doors behind him, Jungkook handed a letter to the teacher. The teacher opened it and nodded approvingly.

"Class, this is Jeon Jungkook, he is a transfer student from Busan and was originally homeschooled. Please treat him well."

Jungkook was very awkward in this situation. He wasn't used to meeting large groups of people in this way. But he had to, he didn't have a choice. So he bowed and introduced himself to his peers.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, 17, and I hope to make friends with all of you."

After bowing to conclude his introduction, he could hear a few girls squealing and a few guys whispering about him. He knew this would happen, but he never knew the pressure to know what they were talking about would be so heavy and anxiety filling. He stood straight again and flashed an awkward smile, earning more squeals and silent stares.

"Thank you Jungkook, you can take a seat over there."

Jungkook looked to see where the teacher was pointing too, 'great, the classical seat-by-te-window-in-the-back, but hey, it's right next to Jin, so I'll be fine!'. Jungkook nodded and made his way, eagerly, to his new seat by his new friend.

'I wonder who else I'll meet today?'


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