3 }{ Glances and stares

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Jungkook sat down next to Jin as he took each person's name and matched them to their face. 

Starting with Namjoon, he had the 'older person' look. His facial features were strong and they looked like a leader, not to mention the tough tone in his voice. Jungkook presumed that he would be the leader at the table by the way he told everyone to sit and calm down while studying a textbook he brought with him. 

Jimin was almost the exact opposite of him. He had the 'soft' look working for him. When he smiles it just screams 'I'm a baby, my innocence is too pure for this world'. When he laughs at Hoseok's jokes, it reminds you of a soda can's bubbles ready to explode after being shaken. His cheeks were a little bit chubby but in a good way. It added to his charm he possessed. 

The only way to accurately describe Hoseok was a beach ball full of laughing gas. He laughs and smiles so much, it kinda makes you want to believe that he's high on something that lasts a lifetime. He looks awfully close to Yoongi too, the way he leans on his shoulder and how he tells him joke after joke that only receive an occasional smile, maybe a small laugh, and the regular annoyed face while concentrating on eating his lunch.

Slowly making his head around the table, he realized that Jin was exactly like a mom. Even though this was already established not too long ago, the scene Jungkook witnessed was living proof that he was the mom of the group. Unlike Namjoon, he continuously had to tell Hoseok to give Yoongi space to eat, and Jimin to not talk with his mouth full, or to think about laughing while drinking. Jungkook was also afraid of getting his uniform wet because he was sitting in front of him.

Jungkook just laughed along while letting his mind get comfortable with his new group, which he already considered them as friends. The last person he had to get used to not staring at, was the guy named Taehyung. Jungkook looked down to see the boy's name tag, which held some information on it, other than his name, and what grade he was in. Taehyung was in his second year of high school. 'Same as me....maybe we'll share a class?', Jungkook thought to himself as he examined Taehyung more.

Taehynug looked like he was molded by a professional ceramic maker. His jawline could cut a bitch, his cheeks were skinny and full at the same time, his tan skin looked like roasted honey, his pure white smile resembled a very, very, very stunning box and the way his torso sold the fact he was fit without the shirt looking like it was suffocating him made him look like the perfect boyfriend material.

Well, excluding the fact that he was surrounded by girls. All around the male, he had a bubble of girls talking to him, laughing, and looking at him in ways that ranged from 'I want to be his friend one day' all the way to 'I wished that he would only look at me and fuck me up till I can't walk for the rest of the month'. The years the girls were in were also ranging in all three. All the while Taehyung was talking, laughing, and whispering to all of them.

He didn't have the aura of the popular fuckboy, no, no, no, instead, his face said that he liked the attention, and the company, but he didn't give any number of girls more attention then the next. He was like a happy child that likes to smile and conversate with everyone and can manage to make everyone a friend. 

Jungkook couldn't really hear anyone talk because the room was just that loud, not to mention the music playing overhead in the speakers, so he used his vision for the majority of the time.

For the rest of the lunch period, other than eating, Jungkook had tested himself to memorizing everyone's name to their face in his head. 

He mastered everyone, especially Taehyung. He found him so mesmerizing that he couldn't help but snatch more than a few looks towards the male who sat at the end of the table. Sometimes, he would find himself staring so much that Taehyung would end up turning his head to look back at him too.

Jungkook, at that point, would bite his inner cheek slightly and quickly turn his head, averting his eyes back to his food.

Little did he know that Taehyung was doing the exact same thing when Jungkook wasn't looking.

The time that was left for lunch was disappearing quickly, and in those few minutes left, the bubble of girls around Taehyung faded fairly quickly to throw their food out and back to their original tables after saying their good bye's to the popular male. 

Jungkook felt strangely happy. He didn't really know why. He was thinking if it was because the loud chatter the girls made was dying out, or that Taehyung is now looking much more relaxed and calm. Jungkook's sexuality is for sure bisexual, and he knows when he likes someone. Its when he has known them for a good amount of time and it wasn't based on looks, because he knows first-handed, that looks can be deceiving.

But he couldn't resist the feeling that he was being drawn to look at him every second. He hated it, as well as liked it. His mind is telling him that he is for sure attracted to him, but his heart was giving him a hard time. It wasn't telling him it was either good or bad, but it felt like it was hugging his chest a little too tight. It was telling Jungkook that he should be careful.

Jungkook was looking out the window when the bell rang. Jungkook blinked a few times before he felt something cold on his face. He placed a hand on the side of his face, and he looked at the liquid that was there. He was crying. It took him a minute to register what was happening and he let out a hiccup and a tiny sniffle which earned the entire table to look at him. Including Taehyung.

"Oh no! Are you okay Jungkook?"

Jin was the first to speak to him.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?"

Jimin asked as he tossed his food in the nearest trashcan like a basketball player as fast as he could to be by Jungkook.

"Is everything alright?"

Namjoon softly asked as he stood from his seat and looked around to see if anyone looked guilty and the look that he was going to fight someone on his face.

Hoseok immediately stopped laughing and a stern face masked his previously happy one. He looked concerned for Jungkook's well being too.

Yoongi joined in on the silent group and handed a tissue to Jungkook, which he gladly accepted and blew his nose.

Taehyung stood from his seat, walked over to Jungkook and crouched down to meet his eyes. Jungkook looked at him with growing puffy eyes, and his heart started to hurt even more. He couldn't hold his tears and silently let more run down his cheeks. He was so confused by what was going on, until he felt a hand on his head, rubbing it slowly. Jungkook opened his eyes and noticed it was Taehyung, still there in his crouched position.

"We can go to the bathroom, it's not far, and we still have a few minutes before class starts. Unless you want to go to your next class red-eyed and all."

He half playfully asked Jungkook to lighten the sudden heavy atmosphere. Jungkook agreed and followed Taehyung to the bathroom where he splashed water on his face. At that moment his heart felt better. He let out a relieved sigh and looked in the mirror. In the reflection, he saw Taehyung looking back at him with a look that was a mixture of pure innocent curiosity, concern, and worry.


How's the chapter? I hope you liked it regardless!

See you later!!

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