4 }{ His nickname

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Taehyung huffed a breath and slumped in his chair. All the girls were gone and now he could finally breathe. The crowd's strong smell of perfume that mixed together during the 40 minute period still lingered in the air around him, but fading slowly.

He took a peek over at Jungkook because he knew that the male was looking at him constantly. But instead of looking at a pair of lingering eyes, he found a pair of glassy ones that were turning a slight shade of pink.

Taehyung had to blink a few times to make sure he was seeing right. And his eyes didn't deny that Jungkook was crying. Taehyung stood up from his seat and knelt in front of Jungkook, who was now hiding from him while everyone kept asking him questions. Taehyung knew what to do strangely. He felt like it would be the best move to do at the moment. He raised his hand and placed it on top of Jungkook's hair and started rubbing it gently.

Jungkook shook for a moment, but then he started to calm down and remembered how to breathe. Inhaling strongly and exhaling with the same amount of force, he finally had the strength to lift his head.

"I'll take you to the bathroom, come on!"

Taehyung tried lightening up the mood by smiling and eagerly trying to take Jungkook away for some privacy, and thankfully, no one asked him otherwise and let the pair walk away. Jin was a little worried and hoped nothing bad happened or if he had done something wrong.

As they reached the bathroom, Jungkook immediately went in front of the sink and splashed cold water on his face. He did that at least ten times before lifting his head and looking into the mirror. Where he met his eyes. They weren't glassy anymore, but there was still a faint splash of pink in the corners of his eyes, but he looked better.

The way they looked at each other made Taehyung's chest tighten up slightly. He knew the feeling, but he wasn't sure if it was because he was embarrassed or if he was just having a moment where he felt tense, not to mention that the way that Jungkook looked at him gave him goosebumps. He found it attractive.

"Are you okay? Do you feel better now?"

Jungkook turns around and flashes him a smile that can make any heart flutter.

"Yea, I feel better now. I honestly didn't know what came over me. I guess it was just because I'm homesick."

Jungkook laughed and rubbed the back of his head a little bit to lift some heavy weight out of the room.

"I have been homeschooled for most of my life until now, so everything is practically new to me. So please forgive me for keeping you here, your class must be starting soon and I don't want to make you late."

Bowing slightly in advance while he was talking, Jungkook apologized and ran a hand through his hair, exposing a forehead that was clear of acne and fair skinned like the rest of his face. The water that had not dried still hanging off some tips of his bangs, not helping the attractive stare he was getting from Taehyung.

Once Jungkook lifted his head, Taehyung started chuckling.

"Nah, it's alright, you're not keeping me from anything, as a matter of fact, there is still a few minutes left of lunch, and if your all set, we can stay in here until the bell rings, or we can go back to the group."

This made Jungkook think a little bit before answering.

"Then why don't we go back? I bet everyone else is worried about me and I don't want to make it seem like something terrible happened."

Taehyung smiled and nodded in agreeance. He held the door open and let Jungkook exit out before him, improving like one of those gentleman scenarios.

"After you my good sir."

"Why thank you, good gentleman, I appreciate that very much."

Taehyung's eyes went wide. He actually went along with his improves. No one has ever done that yet. The only times he gets the slightest of reactions is from his army of fangirls, and the rest of the group has only given him annoyed looks and mostly just a regular thank you. So having someone play along was a great feeling.

He smiled his box smile at Jungkook, which earned him a chuckle and a wave to hurry up and dash to be by Jungkook's side.

"I have a feeling you and me are going to be the greatest of friends Kookie!"

"Kookie? Where did that come from?"

"What? That's your new nickname, do you like it?"

"....I like it, it's not a problem"


As Taehyung and Jungkook enter back into the lunch room, Taehyung announces to practically everyone, or anyone, whos willing to listen that Junhkook's new nickname was to be Kookie. Jungkook assumed that Taehyung could be loud, but he didn't know that he would be this loud.

Jungkook's face felt like someone smashed a burning coal onto his face. He grabbed Taehyung by the sleeve of his uniform and dragged him back to his seat and hid in the safety of the group's attention instead of the millions of holes the rest of the room was burning into his back.

All the while, Taehyung was happily smiling away, proud of what he had done and the reaction he got from his new play buddy.

"I'm going to get back to you soon you big goof."

"Can't make fun of an alien if it was made for the purpose to entertain."

"Shit, are you smart? or just plain dumb?"

"If I'm dumb, then your dumber."

"God damn it."



So sorry for updating chapters late!! Ive been busy and heavily occupied. Forgive me!!

Hope to see you in the next chapter!! <3

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