6 }{ Suspicion

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After school, Taehyung hurried home right as he heard the last bell chime through the walls of the school. He grabbed his bag, bowed to the teacher, and dashed his way through the halls before he had a chance to say goodbye to anyone. He needed to get the makeup off as soon as possible.

Jungkook was just walking out of class before he saw a body fly by and a soft gush of wind trail behind him. His head snapped in the same direction to follow and see who it was. With how his hair looked, he soon realized that it was Taehyung.

He was about to run after him until he felt an arm grab his wrist.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine."

"But Jimin hyung what happened?"

"Ah, he freaked out when he found about he had makeup on, not to mention the lip shade he had on belonged to one of his classmates. She got angry at first but she quickly forgave him after staring at him for a good minute or two."

"Oh no! is he going to be okay?"

Jungkook was worried now, he didn't have this kind of reaction in mind when he decided to put it on him. He knew he was going to be embarrassed, but to be the first one out of the school to get home? That was completely new.

"I'm sure he's fine, but being the eldest son and his only sister is younger than him, I doubt he would know how to calmly take the makeup off without scrubbing his face off in the shower."

Jimin paused and Jungkook looked to see if he had anything else to say, as he watched Taehyung's body slowly become smaller and smaller.

"It's weird though, he always admired the idea of makeup, but when he finally has some on his face he doesn't like it and wants to get rid of it...weird, of well, can't help it."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders shaking the suspicion away. Jungkook of the other hand couldn't help but still feel guilty.

"I'm gonna apologize to him..."

He whispered and began thinking of a way to get past the quickly crowing halls.

"Jimin, I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow! Good night!"

And with that, Jungkook began dashing he way through the crowd. Left, right, left, left, right. He was dodging people this way and that. He looked like a character in third person mode and you're controlling him to get away from obstacles. He came up to a puddle and a 'wet' sign in front of it and instead of slowing down, he ran faster and leaped from his end to the opposite end with plenty of space between him and the water.

Many eyes were on him at this point and even made a small alley and watched him go. He didn't pay any attention as he reached the front gate and see Taehung take a turn around a corner. He was close, but not close enough, he hoped his house wasn't too far from here so he didn't have to run the entire way.

Many minutes have gone by and Jungkook was running out of breath. He still had Taehyung in his sights. He felt like he ran an entire marathon with how hard he was running. But his efforts were soon paid off when both boys slowed down tremendously in front of an averaged sized apartment complex.

Jungkook was too busy to realize that his surroundings were very quiet, but felt cozy and friendly. He took long breaths but he didn't let Taehyung get out of his sights. When the latter turned a corner, he took his phone out and he began dialing a number on his phone he pulled from his back pocket. He stayed silent unit he began talking in a rushed, panicked voice.

"Sungjae!! Thank god you picked up, do you think you can help me real quick? A classmate of mine decided to play a trick on me after I gave him a nickname. I guess he didn't like it after all...."

He was silent as he looked around whisking his head in all directions, almost like looking for someone.

"Ah! I'm sorry, yea, my problem is the trick he played was putting makeup on my face. I can't put on any makeup until after I get off my shift and the uniform policy at work demands that we don't have any sort of makeup before stepping into the building!"

Taehyung began running his hand through his hair and he sounded like he was going to cry, and Jungkook stayed at a distance but felt hurt because now Taehyung sounded like he was in big trouble and it was his fault. But on the other hand, work? What was he talking about? Kids his age aren't allowed to work yet, not even a part-time job....legally.

"I know- I know, look, she's not allowed to have makeup, she's too young...Nah, she barely uses any and when she does, it's for special occasions and just washes it off.......I feel like you would have some at your house. Can you please do me a favor and give me some makeup remover pweeeasseeee I'll stay the night over if I need to, you own more makeup than I have of clothes and know your way around these things please!!!"

Then silence. After what seems like begging over the phone, Taehyung yells in happiness as he fist-pumps the air.

"Thanks so much, Sungjae! I'll owe you a night and a free meal after work how about that? Speaking of, you will be there tonight, right? Boss said there's a short of staff because of holidays and staff calling in sick."

He nods and gives one last thanks before closing his phone. Taehyung is back to being cheerful but then the realization hits him and he looked like he was about to sprint into the complex across the street.


Both Taehyung and Jungkook stopped and jolted from the sudden outburst. Taehyung swung his head around with wide eyes and a worried look. Damn, he looked good though. It took a second but Taehyung smiled widely and waved his hand.

"Hey, Jungkook! I didn't know you lived around here, what's up?"

"I don't live around here actually, I ran from the school and followed you here and....."

Jungkook looked down sadly a bit then picked his head back up, Taehyung's face looked a bit paler than it did seconds before. Was it something he said? Taehyung feared he heard the conversation he had on the phone and tried to change the subject before it leads to another question concerning it.

"and I wanted to apologize for putting that makeup on you, Jimin hyung told me that he told you that I put it on you and then right as school ended you bolted out. I didn't want to wait until tomorrow, and I followed you all the way here....then...I heard your conversation...."

"shit.....Jungkook before you say anything else...please don't mention what you heard about work or anything to anyone okay? You gotta promise me that. I know we haven't known each other long but I can't let anyone else know I'm working."

Jungkook was taken aback, but he softly smiled. Even though he didn't know what was going on, he knew that right now wasn't the best time. But he knew one thing that he needed to say.

"It's okay, I trust you. I won't tell anyone about it. I promise and you have my word."

Taehyung looked so happy and relieved and took a look at his watch and his eyes went big again.

"Aish! I'm sorry Jungkook I gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow at school okay? Please don't follow me any farther!"

Jungkook had so many questions now that he was about to forget the most important thing he wanted to say.

"Taehyung! One last thing before you go!...."

And he ran up to Taehyung and gave him a giant hug of reassurance and let go while backing up slowly.

"I love my nickname, I didn't think bad about it at all, I did the trick not because I didn't like you or the name, it was because you are my friend."

And Jungkook turned around and began running in the way he came. Taking a few turns before making sure he no one was around. He took his phone out and dialed a number.

"Come pick me up, I know you know where I am, so come and get me please."


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Hope you have a good day/night/afternoon!

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