12 }{ Accidental Hero prt. 1

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Jimin always had a good intuition. It was hard to keep anything a secret from him for long. He was just that kind of person. By looking at Taehyung right now, it wasn't that hard to see that something just wasn't right. This wasn't his Taehyung.

"What. Happened. This. Weekend."

He said slower and leaned in closer to Taehyung, increasing the serious tone that he spoke through. Looking at him straight in the eyes and hardly blinking at all.

"Why aren't you hanging out with us anymore? Where do you go after school? You're always sleeping in class."

The clearly worried male too a look at Taehyung's sharp-ish jawline.

"You're even cutting back on how much you eat again! Just what are you doing Taehyung! We're so worried about you but you're never here for us to talk about it!"

Jimin's tone grew to a mini shout and it was hurting Taehyung. He never liked it when other people yelled at him, but he knew he deserved it. He knew that he was neglecting his friends for a long time, but he didn't exactly have a choice. He was secretly happy that they can tell that something was wrong though. It told him that he wasn't just another body that sat with them at the lunch table.

He lowered his head in shame as he pondered whether or not it would be safe to tell him his secret. His dirty secret. 'It could change our relationship as friends, he might not want to be even near me if I told him.....' Lifting his head once he didn't hear any more words float around the bathroom. He saw Jimin's head turned to the side and he was angrily gritting his teeth. 'But it would be nice to have someone here to talk to about this...I don't wanna keep it a secret forever...but I don't want to get in trouble' Taehyung squeezed Jimin's hands to get him to face Tae again.

"I just...."

He scrunched his face in a hurt way, his eyes closing and lips tightened before saying anything else, already regretting what he was going to say.

"I just got home late yesterday from an errand and mom was in the middle of one of her angry drinking sessions, you know how those go. She drinks then gets angry by looking at a stupid picture, takes her anger out on the kids, and then passes out in the middle of the kitchen floor while I clean up all the mess she made"

"But that doesn't explain today's attack Tae, you always come back from those unfazed. Did she say something different this time that has you really on edge?"

"N-no, I think it was just the stress getting to me, I just never had the time to relax with my mind worried for Eon Jin and Jeong Gyu you know? It gets hard sometimes, but I can take it Chim Chim, I'll be fine, promise~"

That was not the answer Jimin was looking for, but he knew better than to pester for too long in this state.

Taehyung emphasizes the word promise with a smile at the end, hoping his act was enough to let him off the hook. He then saw Jimin sigh deeply, show him a relieved smile, and released his hands. Jimin stood up and taking Taehyung's hand back only to pull him up off the floor, he dusted off his pants and turned around towards the door, but before he began walking he quickly gave Tae a hug and pulling back, holding his shoulders, he calmly smiled. No worry left on his face.

"I'm glad it was just some stress, I thought it was like life-threatening or something, don't scare me like that. Come hang out before you go home so you can take that stress out kay?"

And with that, Jimin started his way towards the bathroom door, stopping before going out of sight to tell Tae something.

"Just one more thing, don't be afraid to tell us what's going on okay? Whatever it is, we'll have your back okay man?"

Then the door closes behind him. 'Maybe a different time he'll tell us what's really going on.'

Taehyung looks up to the ceiling of the off-white room. A fresh batch of tears grow in his eyes, but he doesn't hold them, feeling them fall down the sides of his head.

"Why can't I just bring myself to tell them?"


After coming back from the bathroom, the rest of the day went by smoothly, to say the least. Taehyung went back to studying for math and he absolutely avoided any eye contact with Jungkook. Jimin was watching him closely, and Jungkook was trying to figure out what was wrong with Tae. Getting zero responses from him, he gave up and didn't bother him until it was gym time.

Taehyung wanted to opt out of class today. His skin was nowhere clear enough for him to take his shirt off without being called out. But because he forgot to forge a doctors note to help him skip the class like he normally would to stall for time, he had no other choice but enter the changing room to switch outfits. He was glad that he at least put some concealer and foundation on his neck, something he knew how to apply decently, but he only put enough where his turtleneck sweater couldn't cover. Meaning the whole bottom portion of his neck would be exposed unless he could find a jacket and soon. He was busy changing into the uniforms in the farthest corner of the room to avoid people looking at him.

But some guys had a keen eye.

"Hey, Taehyung! Come over here real quick!

Tae's head swung a slow 90-degree turn on his left after tugging his white t-shirt over his head as fast as he could to cover his torso from being exposed for too long to see the person speaking.

"Is something wrong Taeyong?

"No, not really, but the boys and I were wondering where you got those pretty tattoos on your neck"

"Th-there not tattoos...."

"Oh really? Then what are they?"

Taeyong walked closer to Taehyung, a smirk growing across his lips, scaring him just a little bit as he didn't see him stop and made his way closer and closer, the gap shrinking. Before he even knew what the male was doing, Taeyong reached out and yanked at Tae's shirt, hearing a few strings pop that made Tae then realize what could possibly happen next. He retaliated as fast as he could, surprising the latter male as he made a run for it.

"L-leave me alone, its none of your business, now back off, your annoying me"

Teahyung rolled his eyes as he tried to put a tough, cold front. He wasn't liking where the conversation was going and tried to rush out of the changing room, snatching a random jacket he found and headed for the door. His route was cut short when a body jumped in front of him and the door.

"Get out of the way Mark"

"No, I think Taeyong wants to talk to you more actually~"


IM NOT DEAD!! Finals has me eating my own weight as I study and get my shit together before Xmas break!!

There will be presents throughout my break to give to you guys so stay tuned for that.

Thank you guys for liking my content, I liked how things have balanced out much better than before. The storyline will still be slow, I'm sorry, but to keep you wanting more and to entertain is my goal!

Hope you liked this chapter, see you in the next chapter!! Bai Bai!

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