2 }{ Meeting faces prt. 2

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Jungkook was getting bored, his fifth period was English Literature. It was interesting enough that he wasn't going to fall asleep, but he was pretty damn close to just closing his eyes and listening. Only opening his eyes to jot down notes and answer questions that were too easy for him to answer. 'So this is what private classes feels like? It's hella easy, but much better than working at home. Compared to home, this is heaven'.

He closed his eyes and expected to hear more ramblings and empty words from the teacher. Her voice was so monotone, the room was dark to show some presentation from the projector, the air conditioning was off and instead, the heater was on. It was the perfect classroom setting to take a nap in, or practically get away with anything. As if Jungkook was going to do anything that he would want to stay in that kind of classroom other than for classwork.

As his eyes started to close, the bell had shook him awake and he made a little jump in his seat. He looked around slightly to see if anyone had seen him and only Jin was snickering behind the front of the navy sweater he was wearing over his uniform. Soon enough, he couldn't contain his fit of laughs and launched forward holding his stomach and the only sound you could hear was him laughing as the other students trailed one by one out of the classroom.

"HAHAHAHAHA you got scared!! By the bell!! Ahahaha!!! I-I'm sorry bu-but that's too funny!!"

"Fuck off hyung, its the first time I heard a bell that loud before so cut me some slack will ya? And stop laughing already, the moment's past and you sound like an old car's windshield wipers on triple speed, if that's even possible".

"Ya! I. Am. Your. HYUNG. But seriously have you not heard a school bell before?"

There were a few moments of silence and in that silence, Jungkook just gave Jin a soft glare and Jungkook played it off as quick possible but it left a dent.

"Nope, I haven't actually, I have been homeschooled up until now so if that bell is constant, then I better start getting used to it. But let's get to lunch, I'm starved!"

Smiling and grabbing his bag off the side of his desk, he began the walk to the cafeteria. Stopping by the door to wait for Jin.

Jin looked at Jungkook with a glance that spelled discomfort and hidden an atom's size of fear. He came to a conclusion as quick as a humming bird's wings flap that it wasn't a good idea to mention his homeschooling in front of him. But he shrugged it off and followed closely to Jungkook, knowing he doesn't know how to get there yet.

"Yaaassss!!! Me too! We should hurry though before class starts again. Thankfully our next classroom is not too far from the cafeteria."

Jungkook giggled at the older's enthusiastic want for food. He couldn't complain, he liked it actually.

Swinging around a corner from the doors that were under the label of "Cafeteria", the doors burst open and a body flew out landing just about two feet from Jin. Jin and Jungkook were talking and laughing but immediately hushed when the doors flew open. Jin looked down to see who it was and just smiled, while the guy on the floor returned the motion.

"Sup Yoongi, what's up?"

"Your face"

"Har har, very funny, but honestly, who is it this time? And who started it?"

The guy named Yoongi got up and dusted himself off. He looked like a natural jackass. He was pretty tall, at least 5 9' if I had to guess, he had flaming red hair with a clean undercut, double piercings, and by the looks of his arms, he worked out pretty often. His face looked like a tan china doll, gorgeous with a tough look that everyone likes, and fair skin that could match Jungkook's.

{EDITING while POSTING} A Prostitute and A Business man {VKook}Where stories live. Discover now