9 }{ Testing waters (M)

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After his encounter with Jungkook, his performance dropped a little and his attention was not completely in the ball game. So he decided to take a nap and see if the lack of sleep was just getting to him and that the shock of his first customer was just a dream. The last thing he remembers is laying down on the employee couch in the dressing room where he chooses to take a short nap.

The next time Taehyung woke up he was being splashed with ice cold water. He was still on the couch, nope not a dream.

"Aish shit! That's cold you dumbnut!"

"It's supposed to, now get up lazy ass, I would let you sleep on your break but someone's asking for you."

"Uguugh, who?"

"It's your boy toy from the bar, Sungjae."

And with that Taehyung leaped from under his blanket, checked if he still had his mask on, he did and dashed out the employee's room. He slowed down to walking as soon as he walked in the big crowd that formed itself after the club had opened. He made his way to the bar and took a seat while trying to avoid looking at all the preying eyes spotting him. Taehyung saw his boyfriend fixing a drink from a short distance away and called out to him.

"Sungjae! I'm here, you wanted to see me?"

Hearing his name being called, he turned around from fixing the drink and handed it to the customer and walked over. He first looked at Taehyung's attire and sighed.

"Seriously, did you forget your robe again? You're gaining all the attention again with all that skin showing. But I just wanted to check on you, hearing you were on your break of course."

Taehyung looked down and realized that he put on a red panda outfit this time after the tiger one was left in the 'work' room. He blushed and crossed his arms while leaning on the counter hoping it helped cover his chest to some extent.

"I'm fine, just a bit more tired than usual"

"That's good, did something happen?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you"

"Try me"

"....Well, a new kid transferred into my class today and he was kinda my first customer, I have no idea how he got here, and I'm not sure if he recognized me...his performance was.... very unexpected to say the least"

"Well, that is surprising, if it's still bothering you when we get home, I'll make sure to cover his marks with some of my own. So if he does recognize you at school, hopefully, he doesn't, he doesn't have to count on them to identify you if that makes you feel better"

Sungjae leaned over the counter and without Taehyung paying attention, he stole a kiss from him right in front of all the viewers. Taehyung wasn't prepared, but he took the time to appreciate the soft, loving kiss he got and returned the favor by tilting his head to have a better opening for Sungjae.

It was Sungjae's turn to leave the kiss first and smiled cheerfully. 

"Don't worry V, we'll have plenty of time at home for this but we both have jobs to do right now, I'll see you after work right?"

"Won't have it any other way honey! Okay, I'm off!"

Taehyung hopped off the chair and went around the dance floor to get to the back door quicker and got ready for the rest of the night ahead of himself. He brushed his teeth, took a mint for extraness, but he couldn't get the strong taste of the iced tea Jungkook drank out of his mouth, at all. Once he sighed, surrendering to the thought that he would have to deal with it, he went back outside to finish tonight's work.

{EDITING while POSTING} A Prostitute and A Business man {VKook}Where stories live. Discover now