Eighteen | a picnic gone wrong

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At noon on Saturday, Ruby set off through the woods to Green Gables where her, Diana and Anne were having an intimate little picnic

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At noon on Saturday, Ruby set off through the woods to Green Gables where her, Diana and Anne were having an intimate little picnic. She had a basket of little cakes in tow, and was light, happy and entirely guiltless heart.

Ruby met Diana along the path. They greeted each other with warm hugs, despite the fact that they had seen each other only yesterday, then chattered loudly about how excited they were for their picnic. They were nearing Green Gables when Diana became rather quiet and contemplative

"Ruby —" Diana started.

"I know what you're going to say," interrupted Ruby. "And there's no need. I told Aaron yesterday that I won't be walking home with him any longer."

During the walk the afternoon before with him, Ruby was unable to shake the feeling that she was doing a terrible thing — no matter how she tried to justify it in her mind.

She was so quiet that Aaron had asked, "Are you alright?"

In one second Ruby made up her mind and burst out, "I'm sorry Aaron! I can't walk with you anymore!"

Aaron stopped in his tracks and stared at her, looking slightly offended. "What do you mean you can't walk with me? I haven't even asked you yet if you want to go to the dance with me!"

"I don't," said Ruby. "I mean, thank you kindlyfor the offer but I am already going to the dance with someone."

"With who?" demanded Aaron. "Never mind. Doesn't matter. You can just tell them you can't go with them and go with me instead!"

"Actually I can't," said Ruby. "And I don't want to. But again, thank you for asking and good day."

Ruby left Aaron standing in the middle of the forest looking extremely annoyed. As she walked away from him, she gave an exhale of relief, and then smiled. She knew she'd made the right choice.

"You did?" Diana beamed. "I knew you would make the right choice in the end! I am proud of you!" Diana put a arm around her friend. "What made you do it in the first place?"

Ruby shrugged. "I don't know. It isn't that I like Aaron it's just . . . It's so embarrassing to be going with a hired boy! Everyone thinks there's something wrong with me! I thought if I walked with Aaron . . . Things would work themselves out. But I know I did the wrong thing and I'm real ashamed of it."

"It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, Ruby, especially Josie Pye," said Diana.

Ruby nodded although she was still doubtful.

"I can't wait to tell Anne!" said Diana happily. "She was furious that you were walking with Aaron but I told her you'd come around. She's secretly very protective over Jerry."

"She didn't tell him, did she?" asked Ruby anxiously.

"No-o," said Diana slowly, "but you ought to tell him yourself."

The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis & Jerry Baynard|Where stories live. Discover now