Breakfast: N was already getting on my nerves. He kept pushing me when in the line and only stopped when I threatened to beat his ass (I'm intimidating when I get serious)
Math: N got in trouble... Twice. Ha!
ELA: Did a challenge where I wrote 10 sentences and used all of my spelling words. I won
Recess: I sat down to finish coloring ViVi's commission and this girl sat next to me. She started drawing Monika. She also likes Hamilton and Heathers, mainly Heathers, so we sung Heathers. N tried to yell at us to shut up while me, her, and Cadenza were singing Candy Store, so ViVi and Atti joined in. He got so mad XDDD
Lunch: I didn't see ViVi, Atti, and Adam sit at a table, so me, Cadenza and the girl sat at a different one. We were separated, rip-
Science: I deciphered Morse code 👌👌👌
Social Studies: Managed to get three things done in ten minutes, so that's fun. I also have two homework packets due by Friday
Chorus: We had a substitute and everyone was being insane. I was actually trying to sing but I couldn't find my range because everyone else wasn't taking it seriously
Bus Ride: It's 91°, expected to go into the hundreds in a few hours, and I was DYING