Josuke/ Okuuyasu (Part 1)

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You close your eyes and relax....

If only you had something to cherish this feeling forever.

The wind whispers as the trees sound...

All is quiet...


A baseball hit you right in the guts.

"Aaaaagghhhh" You yelled in pain

You could not breathe for a few minutes and could only hear what happened.

You can't fucking believe this. Something was wrong, it really hit you hard. Who and where it was the clumsy asshole that hit you?

"Here it is!" You heard a voice from far away.

"Is there anybody over there?" His running steps could be heard as he approached you.

"Oh" He stopped moving for a second "Dammit Okuyasu, you just can't stop hitting people even in baseball"

Now you could see him. The "clumsy asshole" (or at least the friend of "the clumsy asshole") kneeled to see you.


I apologize for my friend...we had absolutely no idea people came here to..."

A suspense moment. He boudted.


"Its .....a freaking park! It's no....surprise ......I was hanging here you mor....fuck!"

You kept aching, even though you could see him clearly now, your stomach still hurt and you couldn't move.

"Well I hadn't thought about that" he scratched the back of his head still on his knees.

You could not answer, the pain was too harsh for you to be somehow polite or patient, you were pissed off but you could not speak so you just stood there looking at him with a death stare .

"Hey Josuke!...What is taking you so long?"

You could hear another person approaching you.

"Ill be back in a sec! I think we messed up" answered Josuke. Then, it turned right back at you.

" Umm" He knew you hated him in that moment "I know it is not a very smart question but...Are you hurt ?"

You nodded in response, you hated him but were glad to see he could see you were in pain.

"Then...I can help you..."

A figure appeared right behind him...
"It was amazing! I must really admit that.... almos like....magic!" You told Tonyo with your mouth full.

"Almost food?" He said in a playing tone .

"Well, your food is an amazing AND pleasant experience...I can't really say the same about...meeting them"

"Okuyasuu and Josuke are great costumers. Great boys. I am actually quite surprised you did not met them in my restaurant. You three come here too often I'm surprised you are not friends by now"

You felt embarrassment as You remembered the scene that took place after the pompideur-guy fixed You "magically".

----At the park, an hour before dinner at Tonyo's----

His friend was standing right behind him and it looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him the instant You got up and yelled at them.

You are not sure if they were apologizing, their corporal language seemed like it.

Josuke even approached you in an attempt to calm you down. However, even tho his mouth was moving, you could not hear what he was saying.

You could not think clearly, you were furious and scared at the same time. ¿What the fuck did he do to you?

You and your anger kept going until Josuke interrupted You.

" won't even give thanks for healing You...and you make fun of my hair?"

You don't even remember saying something about that, the truth is You don't remember any of what You said except:

"How the hell am I going to apologize if you idiots were the ones that hurt me in the first place?!"

He stood up in a weird position as specting something to happen. Then, his friend hold him by the back:

"Josuke ! Are you nuts? You could really hurt her!!! " he said looking at him, then his eyes looked at mine "You are right, we should really be more carefull. Specialy me because im not really a briliant guy. Please forgive us...But I must ask you to leave....NOW"

I couldn't move at first. Then he sighed "Please have really hurt my friend's feelings and I don't think I can control him".

You picked up all the things lying on the grass and ran away from them as you heard them arguing.

-End of flashback-

¿You and those guys? ¿Friends?
You rolled your eyes. Ridiculous.

"I don't think I can handle hanging out with some losers like them.... C'mon! They're dont even make ONE idiot with that ridiculous hairstyle and those stupid-looking eyes"

Tonyo laughed at your cruelty.
"You are just saying that because of the baseball"

You looked at him shocked. He got you. You took your fork and started to tangle the pasta around it.

You sighed.

"Well am I not going to? It hurt like hell!" You said filling your mouth with spaghetti.

"They apologized didn't they? Not to forget they fixed you..."

You might have just overreacted. You may have had a good reason to be mad at them but there it was no need to be cruel.

You gulped. "I fucked up..."

"And what are you gonna do about it?"

"Apologize...I guess...or not" You played with the pasta, your appetite was gone now.

"And what will happen if you find them once again? Wouldn't it be akward for the three of you?"

You truly love Morioh. You will be staying some more time and the town is not that big...there it was no way you would not cross paths with them...Morioh was worth it! It Is just the town that is right for you!

"You just convinced me" you were not really excited to say that. "Could you give me this to eat later?"

"Course...Ill be back in a moment but think about what I said...." He grabbed the dish and started walking to the kitchen: "I know where they leave...I can tell them I sent you..."

You sighed. You didn't want to think about it. You were an asshole to them and you had no solid reason to look for them.

You took your (bag/backpack) and opened it to grab some tipping-money. Your hand searched deep in it and grabbed an unknown spheric object.... may have one reason.

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