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I was reading in my cell before the guards came in, " Prisoner 318 hold out your right arm", one of the guards says as he pulls my hand towards him." What I'm not 18 yet!" I was frightened I didn't know what to do or what to think. I'm not supposed to be floated till my 18th birthday so why are they taking me now? My mind raced as I pulled my hand as strong as I could and ran out of the cell.

As I got out I turned right running through the halls I saw Octavia's cell I ran to it, but when I reached it she wasn't there.

" Mom, what is going on?" a blonde girl next to me was screaming.

What I felt after that was something sharp and thin going through my skin then everything turned blurry and dark.


I woke up in a place full of people, or to be more specific I was surrounded in a place full of the skybox prisoners.

" Welcome back," the blonde from before says.
" How long have I been unconscious? Oh ow! My head hurts like hell."I held my head trying to massage my temple to ease the pain.

"Not long." The girl answered looking at me and then at what was in front of her, I followed her gaze looking and then I was shocked by the sight in front of me.

we were in a drop ship.
my eyes then met the floor staring at the metal underneath my legs with wide eyes, my head was flooded with thoughts that made my head hurt more.

'are they sending us to the radioactive planet? Are the others coming too? Is it just us? No, no why would they do that? Thats stupid!

I raised my head and looked to my side quickly meeting the blonde eyes realizing she was already looking at me with worried eyes, " Are they sending us to the earth?" I questioned the blonde next to me, her worried eyes softened but then turned blank.

" Yes, they are." She then looked away, Shit, we're already dead.

I turned my upper body to face her as much as the seatbelt allowed me to,

" I'm Y/n " I introduced myself with a small smile, I mean she seemed like a nice person.
"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm  Clarke," she said smiling at me.

I had a lot on my mind like why are they sending us down? If we land will we even make it?; the radiation will kill us. Is this a mass execution?

The dropship vibrated violently and I held onto my seatbelt grabbing the red fabric so tight.

"What's that?" Clarke asked, frightened I answered, "That was the atmosphere." Shortly after the screen in front of us turned on to show us, Chancellor Jaha.

"Prisoners of the Ark hear me now, you've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, I hope that you see this as not a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed for mankind itself, we have no idea what is waiting for you down there; if the odds of survivor were better we would've sent others frankly we are sending you because you're crimes have made you expand.." blah blah blah what a bunch of bullshit coming out of his mouth, the council doesn't even care a bit about our lives.

We're their lab rats and that's all they see.

" Your dad is a dick Wells " a boy hollered as others laughed, I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean, and the drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mountain Weather was a military base built within a Mountain it was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years." A girl was yelling I looked around to see what the cheering was about, a boy was floating in the middle of the dropship." Spacewalk bandit strikes again!" It was Finn Collins the dumb ass who wasted a month of oxygen, wish he wasted all of it if I'm being honest, waiting for your death date is so not fun.

slowly he floated in front of Clarke. " Check it out, your dad floated me after all " I laughed as he said that to Wells; with my laugh not going unheard or seen by Finn, a small smirk played on his lips. " Hey, beautiful " At the sound of those words, I abruptly stopped laughing. " You should strap in before the Parachute deploys if you want to live longer of course " I stated as I noticed two other boys taking off their seatbelts. " Hey, you two stay put if you want to live " Clarke demanded. " Well, all of us gonna die anyway," I said under my breath as I sighed laying my head back.

"Hey, you're the badass who's been locked up for 3 years"I hate when people bring that up it just pisses me off.

I raised my head again giving Finn a hard glare, "You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk." His lips curled into a smile " I'm Finn," he introduced himself.

It's nice to meet new people, back at the skybox my only friend was O; I'm not a socialist person.

"I'm Y/n " I smiled at him, and Finn pushed back trying to stay in front of me"You haven't told anyone why you got locked up. So, what did you do?" He asked I wish that people would stop asking this question.

"I don't want to talk about it " his smile dropped." Oh sorry if I bothered you" he apologized, "Not at all," I said with a small nod.

after the short but peaceful conversation, the dropship started to shake violently, and the idiots who refused to listen to Clarke hit the wall, I watched as Finn hit the floor.

My eyes went wide as I started breathing heavily scared of what was coming next,

" Finn are you okay " Clarke and I asked panicked in sync.

" Clarke there's something I have to tell you, I'm sorry I got your father arrested," Wells says loud enough to be heard over the screams of the other juveniles.

Oh shit, this is not the right time! Please shut up.

"Don't you talk about my father" Clarke seemed pissed off? I got curious about the whole situation between them.

"Please I can't die knowing that you hate me" I rolled my eyes
'Oh my gosh, they're fighting in the middle of landing! what a nice way to say goodbye.'

"They didn't arrest my father, they executed him, and for that, I do hate you."
She turned her gaze to me " Y/n are you okay " Clarke asked I nodded. "What's happening now" I grabbed tighter into the strap my knuckles turned white.
I was not aware of what was happening around me because of the tension and fear in the air.

"We're landing but I think something's wrong with the dropship," Clarke said and it just scared me more. We're so fucked, "Oh my god we're gonna die." The noises stopped and I could hear the machines stop working as well. "Listen, no machines hum" an Asian boy pointed out, we landed.

I took off my seat belt and ran to Finn and Clarke where the two boys who took their seat belts during land were laying . "Finn, is he breathing?"

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