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" I borrowed it, to get on the dropship," he said, turning around looking at Clarke she looked confused, and so did I.

I turned my body heading to Clarke so I could leave the siblings to have their reunion "Hey duck " I said, Clarke turned her gaze from Octavia and Bellamy to me "Duck? Really!" She said raising her brows at me

" hey don't laugh at me you remind me of the baby ducks I saw in books," I said giggling "But calling you that was a mistake I won't do it again," I said smiling, Clarke laughed "No I don't mind," she said "you know- "I was cut off by Bellamy

" being the first person on the ground in 100 years," he said as he walked to the liver pulling it down, I was about to stop him but I remembered that there was no use in doing so.

The doors of the drop ship opened as a cold fresh breeze hit me, suddenly I was blinded by the sun's rays, I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright sun then a wave of relief hit me as my eyes scanned the surroundings.

the green trees were prettier than the pictures in books, the pretty clouds dancing in the blue sky

I was so busy admiring nature that I didn't realize Octavia was walking out of the dropship, she walked slowly approaching the dark green grass, and she stopped at the edge of the door

she seemed hesitant, I glanced at Bellamy looking very happy watching his sister
But suddenly Octavia continues by jumping on the dirt, and a wave of worry hits me like something bad will happen "We're back bitches" O screamed at the top of her lungs, she threw her fists up, I laughed as delinquents filled out of the ship, but I stayed back not believing what's in front of me.

"Seems like nature charmed you with its beauty huh?" I heard someone stand beside me, I turned my gaze from the woods to Bellamy, and I crossed my arms putting my whole weight on my right leg " Oh yeah? , I guess you can't blame me, I've never seen something more pretty " I said, I could sense him smiling which made me smirk "Yeah but I did " Bellamy whispered under his breath looking at me " What? " I asked not understanding what he said, he shook his head "Nothing".

I walked to the door approaching the green land when I stepped in the grass I went to the trees and the long grass looking around I traced the beautiful branch until I reached the flower " breathtaking sight, I wish raven could see that " I said smiling.

Raven was like a big sister to me her mom knew my dad from work, yeah my dad was a mechanic ( I don't know if Raven's mom was a mechanic so let's just pretend that she is ) so one day he and I was walking and had to take something from her so we went to her place and there I met raven after that we spent a lot of time together hanging out.

I went back to the ship but bumped into someone and we fell" Ah, sorry I- I'm sorry " the boy said "Oh it's fine " I said smiling he seemed nice "Uh i- I'm Monty, Monty Green ".

I got up quickly and offered him my hand and he gladly took it " I'm y/n it's nice to meet you Monty" I said smiling, he smirked at me, I pulled my hand back as my arms hung loosely.

"So what do you think are we doing next? I mean we have to take Shelter right? What about food, we ha- " he said worriedly I laughed at him "Hey, chill we'll figure things out when these kids calm down, for now, let's just look around and enjoy nature " I said smiling.

He laughed "Hey y/n come here " I heard Octavia calling me, I turned to her saying "Just give me a minute " She nodded "Maybe I'll see you around? " I said to Monty "Yeah sure just be careful " I smiled at him before heading to Octavia, she was with her brother waiting for me,  just as I approached them I heard that guy saying to Clarke "Hey hands off he's with us " I rolled my eyes at him " relax we're just trying to figure out where we are, " wells said.

That's weird didn't the chancellor say that we're on top of Mount Weather ? " on the ground isn't that good enough for you? " Bellamy said, I walked a little forward so I could lean on the dropship,

"We need to find Mount Weather," Wells said walking to Bellamy, I stepped in front of Wells "Didn't the chancellor say we're on top of Mount Weather? " I said crossing my arms, then Clarke looked at me "No, they landed us on the wrong mountain " I was annoyed now, we had to go there and I'm sure as hell that's a long walk.

" you heard my father's message, that's our priority," Wells said raising his voice.
" screw your father," Octavia said "No he's right o we need food, blankets, water, etc. " I said turning my gaze to Octavia " So you're choosing the chancellor's son's side now? " Bellamy said to me " I'm not choosing sides I'm choosing to survive dumbass," I said moving towards him a bit, I saw him smirking but I ignored it "No he thinks he's in charge here y/n !, he and his little princess " I rolled my eyes at her.

Why is she acting like this it's not the time to do reckless things it's a life situation "Do you think we care who's in charge -" I couldn't bear this conversation I know it's going to end with a fight so I turned and walked towards the woods, as I was walking I thought that I saw a man in a tree but when I closed my eyes and opened them he disappeared " okay that's weird " I said looking at the trees surrounding me hoping that I wasn't hallucinating but I found nothing I tried to ignored it and kept walking suddenly I heard the delinquents cheering for something and I knew it was a fight so I ran back to see what's happening I tried to make my way to the front.

And I saw Finn standing between a limping wells and an angry Murphy " Hey spacewalker " Octavia said approaching Finn catching his attention.

I walked to Clarke "Hey duck, what happened?" I wondered " Murphy tried to pick a fight with Wells with a knife," she said looking pissed , I walked to wells "Hey come let's get you seated, " I said holding his arm as Clarke came to help me holding his other arm, we got him down I turned my head at the blake siblings hearing them arguing I catch Bellamy eyes on me as I shoot him a worried look he nodded his head ' everything is okay '.

As always sorry for any mistakes English isn't my first language and I know I suck at grammars:)

Hope you enjoy


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