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Finn walked faster to be next to me "So (y/n) how did you get locked up ? " he said as we were walking in the woods to Mount Weather " I don't want to talk about it," I said

I mean I'm not ashamed of what I did it's just people talk and I hate gossip " Come on (y/n) please I'm begging you " Finn gave me puppy eyes and I couldn't say no

" look-say a word about it to someone else and I'll cut your tongue and make you wear it as a necklace " I threatened him jokingly " Woah, okay I won't," he said laughing with his hands raised.

So I started "I was 14 I had a loving mother who had an abusive husband I don't consider that dick head as my father at all but he was abusing my mother, one day he came back home drunk, and every time the strong smell of alcohol hits my nose I would hide under my bed and close my eyes but that day I had enough I can't bear to see my kind loving mother getting beaten up by a coward man.

so when he came back drunk I immediately smelled him my mom was sick and she had a broken arm so I got ready and took a thick stick and locked my mom's room and when he came I waited until he sat on the couch like usual and he started yelling at my mom to get him a beer I stood behind the couch he was sitting on with a pocket knife in his hand so I grabbed the stick and swinger it at his face as strong as I can it broke his nose but he got up again and was coming at me I got scared so I started hitting him with the stick but he pulled it from me and throw it to the other side of the room and pushed me on the floor he got on top of me and started hitting me saying why would I do something like that to him and that he didn't want to hit me

I was getting dizzy but I didn't want to give up I saw the stick but it was far away from me but I heard a sound on the floor to saw his knife fall from his pocket I tried to reach out for it but he punched my eye so hard but I tried again and grabbed it I clicked the silver button and the blade came out

I waited for the right moment so I couldn't mess up what I planned for he started crying And Punching the floor next to my head so I stabbed his throat and he died than when my mom knew she started crying not because of that devil no because I would get locked up I don't regret anything except I wished I've done it earlier before he broke my mom's arm and bruised her beautiful body and ruined her soul after I got locked up,  1 year after, my mom died because of sickness and that's my story " I finished saying wiping my tears with the sleeves of my jacket, I turned around to see Finn speechless his face expression were full of pain and shock and guilt

" i'- I didn't know that I'm sorry for your mother (y/n) and what you did that was brave of you I mean who would see their mother being abused and do nothing " he smiled and hugged me "Wait really? I thought that you would say things like you could've told the guards and avoided murd- " he pulled away " no, I mean it but did you told the guards? " I sight "Yeah I did and when they came to check my dad threatened my mother to not spill anything and she said that the bruise she got from when she fell, " I said remembering when the guards came to our door " Hey I'm sure your mom is in a good place right now you gave her comfort " I smiled at him and we continued walking.

I thought he was going to call me a monster for what I did, killing someone wasn't easy I sacrificed everything just to make my mother happy and I would do it again.

I enjoy my time here on earth, not like that piece of metal floating in space that damn thing was a black past.

TOXIC LAND   -    Bellamy Blake x reader Where stories live. Discover now