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Clarke was treating Wells while I sat next to him looking at Bellamy, I saw how he was looking at his sister, he cares about her.

I wish I knew someone who cared about me like that, my thoughts were cut off by someone

" so Mount Weather, when do we leave," he said and I stood up "Right now," Clarke said "We'll be back tomorrow with food," she said facing wells

"How? We need more hands to carry and wells can't walk? I think we need more people " I said to Clarke,

Finn turned and pulled two guys I recognized one of them as Monty "Five of us," he said, monty smiled at me and waved as Jasper looked at him weirdly, I only smiled "We can go now, go pack the stuff you need," I said, as I was about to leave someone came

" sounds like a party make it six," Octavia said, " Hey what the hell are you doing ?" Bellamy came in looking pissed, "You're not going too!" He protested pointing his finger at me.

It made me annoyed "What are you, my father? " I said raising my eyebrow "No, but I can't let you get hurt," he said in a lower voice coming near my face so only I could hear.

I only knew him for like an hour or so and he thinks that he can control me? Hell nah" I'm not a baby Blake, can handle myself okay?" I said getting in his face point at his chest,

He dragged me away from them by my hand, I kept being dragged behind him until we were a little far away from their earshot.

"Look, Octavia look up to you and if you go she will go, what if she got hurt?" Bellamy said with a soft voice,
"I can't forgive myself," he said.

a look of hurt spread on my feature " Did you mean that you don't give a damn about me? That all of this act was for your sister? " I said yanking my hand back from him, he started to stutter "No I me- I didn't mean t-" I cut him off

" you only protect o and everybody else be damned " I turned and saw Octavia looking at us, I get it he cares about her, so do I.

But that was bitchy of him.

I was mad I don't know why I mean yeah he has every right to protect his sister but he shouldn't say it that way like he didn't care if I died even tho he met me an hour ago, fucking idiot Why would I say shit like that, why do I care if Bellamy Blake wants me dead or alive? I need to pick my shit up together.

You know what? I don't care I'll just go with them if he wants to protect his sister let him protect her himself I won't sit around doing nothing just because Bellamy Blake said so.

I glared at him then walked my way back to the group, I turned around to glance at Bellamy to see him talking to Octavia "Hey (y/n) so you're friends with Monty aren't you? Any chance I can be too? " Jasper said, I giggled at him what a way to make friends "Yeah sure it'll be a pleasure " I reached my hand out so he could shake it but to my surprise, he pulled me in for a hug "Cool" Jasper laughed in a goofy way as I hugged him back.

" hey, were you trying to take this off ? " suddenly Clarke pulled Finn's hand as I saw what she was talking about.

The wristband that is attached to our hands is on Finn but his were damaged, scratches were all over it like he was trying to take it off by force "Yeah so? " Finn said carelessly.

" Finn that means you're dead to the ark," I said raising my eyebrow wanting to know why he did it "Yeah she's right this wristband transmits your vital sign to the ark, "Clarke said

" take it of-...." I glanced at Bellamy and saw him looking very interested in the things Clarke was saying, he had this weird look on his, I felt like he was hiding something but fuck no stay away from him Y/n.

They all had guilty expressions except Bellamy, like he heard something that would do good to him "Now let's go " Clarke said.

I was about to go to my tent but Octavia ran past me and a hand pulled me back I turned around and saw it was Bellamy, I rolled my eyes " What do you want Blake?" I said with a sigh,

" look I didn't mean to say it that way I do care about you, you took care of my sister and I see the way she talks about you it's just ..." he sounds like he didn't want to talk about it but he said it anyway " I'm the reason she got locked up I promised her she would be safe but I fucked it up " my eyes soften the anger is gone and replaced with guilt

I shouldn't have talked to him that way "Look I overreacted I don't know why it's just no one ever cared about me and when you said it that way I thought that you cared " I said looking at the ground embarrassed fidgeting with my fingers to distract myself,

" hey I do care, can we get over it, please? I don't want to be on bad terms with you." he said to me, my eyes light up but I tried to act cool but deep inside I was panicking I said that I would stay away and I would do so "Um, yeah sure" I said " okay take care of yourself " he said and I walked away going to my tent to grab what I need for the journey.

I was sitting on a log waiting for them to get ready to go to mount weather.

Finally, they're here, I jumped off the log and ran next to Jasper and Finn " Here we go on our first adventure on earth " I said to Jasper and he smiled at me.

Little did we know what was going to happen...

(edited )

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