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" Finn! Is he breathing?" Clarke was checking on the boy who was laying on the ground as I checked the other two, there's no pulse at all, I ran to the other guy hoping that he's alive, unfortunately, both of them are dead, I tried my best to not cry, I hate crying it shows people that you're weak, I remember my mom saying ' only the weak shows their feelings, so stop crying and be stronger  ' sometimes I feel that what she said is wrong but I ignore it every time.

" Clarke they're dead " I informed her with a sad tone, as she turned her gaze to me with awe in her eyes " Finn, is he oka-" I was cut off by someone yelling " the other doors are in the lower level let's go "

oh no, they are opening the doors I should stop them, I turned my gaze to Clarke as she did the same, she knows what I was thinking about, I ran as fast as I can and climbed down the leader, Clarke reached first.

" no, we can't just open the doors," says Clarke as she got up, I followed her lead " hey just back it up guys " no no no I should stop them before it's too late " stop !" I yelled at the boy who was trying to open the door  " the air could be toxic! " I said as Clarke stands next to me " the air is toxic, we're all dead anyways " he has a point but we should take consciousness before," Bellamy? " it was Octavia blake the girl who sat with me at lunch or in another term, 'my best friend'.

I was in solitary because the chancellor saw me dangerous but after the guards knew why I did what I did they kind of let me at least eat with other people, but how did she know that guy? " that's the girl under the floor! " Someone said

Octavia didn't tell me why she got arrested, I mean why would she I didn't tell her mine and we never asked each other.

" oh god, look how big you are, " the boy said smirking, maybe he's her boyfriend, but what kind of a boyfriend says that? They hugged, she turned around looking at the crowd gathered around the door meeting my gaze " oh god y/n! I missed you " she ran and hugged me as I hugged her back I almost died of her strong grip " I mi- yo- ou too o but you're choking me, "I say, she laughed and muttered a sorry
And pulled away while the boy was looking at me with curiosity , "who's that?" the boy said while he's looking at me

Octavia turned and smiled at me
" oh, um that's y/n, she and I met at the skybox " I smiled remembering our times together back im tge ark.

" and who's that ? " i asked putting all my weight on one leg crossing my arms, he smirked and got closer to me " hey I'm  Bellamy Octavia's brother " Bellamy stretched out his hand for me to shake.

I was shocked, I never knew that Octavia has a brother, yeah I saw him twice visiting her but she didn't tell me why she got arrested and now after her saying the word ' brother ' i got an idea why she got locked up in the skybox, he's handsome and looks a bit like O "hey " I said shaking his hand.

They were big yet soft and gentle, woaahhh hold up, why was i thinking about bellamys hand? i need to hold my shit together.

People looked at us interested in our conversation and i backed away from the door.

Octavia turned to the boy saying " what the hell are you wearing, a guard uniform? "
That's confusing why would a prisoner wear a guard uniform?


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