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We walked a bit, I saw Finn picking a purple flower as I got closer he turned to Octavia and placed it on top of her ear

"now that, my friend, is game " I giggled at what jasper said " isn't that sumac ? I recognize it from somewhere " jasper looked at me curiously " actually she's right, " Monty said to jasper

" yeah I'm always right," I said with sarcasm, they both laughed at me jasper shaking his head, monty stopped to pick another one " that's, my friend, is poison sumac," he said in a louder tone that made Octavia hear him

I laughed knowing that it's harmless " he's messing with you o, it's harmless " she relaxed a bit 

I let them talk as I walked faster just to be next to Clarke " so how many miles are left? " I asked her boredom getting over me "  maybe 10 or so "I was stressed my legs were aching so bad and I was hungry " hey (y/n) listen "

she suddenly stopped walking, I tried to hear a thing but there's nothing " I can't hear anything " she pointed at me " exactly! There are no animals sounds it's weird " she was right there are even no birds chirping, I felt anxious something was wrong.

I turned to the guys behind us " guys move your asses we need to hurry " I said to them " yeah would you try to keep up ?" Clarke said facing them now, they turned their attention to us
" come on Clarke, how do you block all this out ?" Finn wasn't paying much attention to his surrounding, he got dazzled with the beauty of nature.

" well, it's simple. I wonder, why we haven't seen any animals ?" They got closer to me and Clarke
" yeah I was so amazed by mother nature that I haven't noticed that there's something out of the ordinary," I said crossing my arms

" maybe because there are none ."Clarke gave them reasons which made me scared, anxious, and worried all in one " maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us " she made them feel a bit worried

" no Clarke it's gonna be fine we need to get back before it gets dark so keep up " they kept walking and talking about how and why they got locked up for I stayed silent not want to bring it up, unfortunately, jasper did " what about you (y/n) why did they lock you ?" I immediately looked at Finn asking for help to find out he was looking at me too "I uh- I was" thank god Clarke saved me " she was waving at us to come, we crouched next to her, as she pointed at a deer.

It was beautiful, her antlers looked beautiful the way they have shaped " no animals huh? " Finn Looked at Clarke than me, I smiled then hit his hand playfully I was curious, can I get closer? , what if I can touch it? , I moved closer and Finn did the same except he stepped on a twig.

It broke and made a sound that caught the deer's attention, as she moved her head another one revealed to us, it looked uncomfortable to look at and weird at the same time " what the actual fuck? " I said looking at O her face held a disgusted look as the deer ran away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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