Chapter One

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Chapter One


Me, Ren Harper, a senior. It's funny just thinking that I'm finally on my last year of college. College has its ups and downs and it can be stressful and for most people, studying is the cause to all the stress, but apparently for me, the stress came from a whole different reason.

Tutoring my own best friend, that's stressful. Megan isn't very fond of studying or anything that has to do with school. If it wasn't for me, she'd never submit any of her projects and eventually, failed every class of hers.

But hey, her parents are one of the richest people in the planet. They own five star hotels and resorts around the globe. Megan doesn't really need college considering that she will be taking over the company after her parents retire, but the thing is, her parents want her to go college. And if her parents want something, they get it. They are just as stubborn as Megan.

I've known Megan since she had pigtails. Although we have our differences and are the complete opposite of each other, we are inseparable. What can I say, she's the SpongeBob to my Patrick.

"Let's go get our room keys," Megan says as she pushes our cart of bags in the building.

"Ren? Megan? It's been so long!" Martha goes around her desk just to hug us both.

"Hey Martha, how was your summer?" I smile at her as she pulls away.

"Oh just wonderful," she blushes and smiles in glee.

Megan raises an eyebrow and smirks. "You met someone, didn't you?"

Martha waves her hand and walks back behind the desk. "Oh it's nothing you two," she changes the subject.

Megan and I lean against the desk and pull our best puppy dog eyes. Martha frowns at us before giving in. "You two are horrible," she starts.

"We know," Megan and I say in sync.

"His name is David and we met in a party. He's so sweet you two will love him," she coos.

"Do we get to meet him?" Megan asks.

Martha taps her chin. "Maybe but not anytime soon. He travels a lot because of his job but when he does come to visit I won't hesitate to call," she winks at us.

"Anyway, here are your keys girls." She hands us two different keys and Megan and I look at each other addled.

"Martha, I think you've gotten our keys mixed up," I tell her.

She looks at us with a questioning look and shakes her head. "No I didn't," she says nonchalantly.

Megan and I have been roommates for the past few years of college. The University knew about Megan's behavior and decided to keep us two roommates considering that I'm the only one who can talk some sense into her.

"I thought you girls already knew about the arrangement," Martha says. She turns to Megan, "Your parents thought this would be a good time for you to be more independent on Ren and go room with someone else for a change."

"What?" her knuckles turn white from her grip of the cart. "Those sons of a-"

"IS there anything we can do about it? Can we talk to someone?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Everything has been arrange, I'm sorry girls."

We're all quiet. No one knew what to say at the moment.

Megan is an outgoing person. She can get along with anyone, really. But bets are the thought of rooming with someone else after the past few years terrifies her just as much as it terrifies me.

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