Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


My head hurts like a bi-female dog. I blink my eyes open and let them adjust to the light. How did I get to my room last night? After eating that brownie I totally blacked out. I don't remember anything.

I sit up and a wave of pain passes through my head. I rub my temples to make the pain go away and of course, it doesn't. I manage to get up and walk to the bathroom and without expecting to meet an ugly witch with dark circles under her eyes and frizzy hair.

"Oh God," I mutter in despair. I can't believe I'm looking at my own reflection.

I strip down my clothes and get into the shower. I'm rinsing the shampoo from my hair when I hear the door outside open and Austin yelling.

"I can't fucking believe you!" he yells, "I don't care if she forced you, she's my sister goddammit!"

It goes quiet and I hear pacing around the room before I hear the door slam once more. I get out of the shower and peek outside to see if he really left the room. I get changed before checking my phone and find a missed call from Megan. I text her that I'm on my way to the café and tell her to meet me there.

Half way to the café Megan calls me and frantically tells me to get to the café quickly. She sounded scared and I heard yelling and cheering at the background so I ran.

I get to the café and see Austin punching Adam. He continues to punch him but Adam dodges and swings her Austin's jaw. I look at them in horror. I see Megan and Bianca behind Adam trying to find a way to grab a hold of him but with the wrong move they can get hit by either one of their punches.

I get in the scene and yell out Austin's name. He has Adam pinned down now and I tug on his shirt trying to stop him from hurting Adam more. I kneel beside him and shake him, getting his attention. His head snaps at my direction and I see the pain and anger in his eyes. I look him, afraid and his expression softens.

He lets go Adam and I pull him aside. Megan and Bianca grab Adam and takes him to the infirmary. I decide Austin needs some air so I take him to the park. He keeps quiet so I do the same. I look down at his fists and see his knuckles turning white from his grip.


"It's none of your business."

"Adam's my friend too," I stop walking and stare at him.

He scoffs, "He's isn't your friend."

He continues to walk but I bring my hands up to his chest to stop him from doing so. "You can't tell me who I'm friends with or not," I point out. "Can you stop being such an asshole for once? We're going to be roommates for the entire school year so we're going to have to get along."

"You can talk to me," I add.

He looks down at me before clenching his jaw. His expression shows anger building up inside him. "Who says I'd want to get along with someone like you?"

My face drops and I take a step back away from him. I feel my eyes starting to water but I hold back the tears. "Why? Is it because I'm a nerd? Or perhaps it's because I'm nothing like those skanks you fool around with?" I look up at him and fail to hold my tears back. A tear comes rolling down my face and Austin brings his hand up to wipe it but I slap his hand away.

"You know what Austin," I point my index finger at him. "Screw you."

He looks taken aback from my statement. I turn on my heels and start to walk but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Let go of me Austin," I demand without looking back at him.

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