Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Austin has been amazing the past couple of months. It was hard for to cope with the fact that Andre cheated on me. It was difficult for me to move on. But Austin has been helping me, he was very patient. It surprises me how kind he has been considering his attitude at the start of the year.

When Alanna or Megan were too busy with their boyfriends – yes, Adam and Travis – Austin was always there. He was always there, just like he said he would be. Last month, Austin confessed. He confessed! I was frozen in place when he told me he liked me, because what's to like? I'm an awkward nerd, that's it.

Since I got together with Andre, I lost whatever it was I felt for Austin. But considering how much he's changed, I don't think it'll be hard for me catch something.

Amanda swings by the campus from time to time. Us, girls, we go shopping or merely have girl's day/night out every Saturday. Austin has been focusing on his studies and is doing surprisingly well. I'm so proud of him. Besides partying and getting laid all week, he sacrifices most of his week to college.

"What's this?" I pick up a gray box that had a red bow on top. I inspect it before turning to Austin. I shake the box in front of him. "Well?"

He turns to me and his eyes widen. He tries to grab the box but I quickly move it way from his grasp. "What is it?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nothing."

I roll my eyes. "Just tell me, Lancer."

He sighs, "Fine. I was sort of saving it for later, but I guess you can open it now."

I grin and tug on the bow, unwrapping the box. I open the box and find a silver necklace that had a rose gold letter 'A' charm. I look up at Austin, my jaw dropping.

He gets the necklace and moves behind me. I swipe my hair away and he locks it. I look down at the letter 'A' that's positioned on my chest. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"'A' for Austin," he grins.

Of course.

He lifts his left hand up. "I also have one for myself," he says showing his bracelet that had a rose gold letter 'R'.

Austin loves spoiling with little presents like this. Of course, I told him he didn't' have to because he really didn't. But a person as stubborn as Austin, gets what he wants which is to spoil me. Considering that he has no other girl to spoil besides his sister and mother, he chooses to spoil his roommate, his words not mine.

We decide to stay in and watch a movie before heading to our next class. We watch The Notebook and as expected, Austin falls asleep and I end up finishing half a box of tissue. I check the time and wake Austin up.

"I have to get to class," I tell him.

He looks at me sleepily before sitting up slowly. "Me too," he mutters. "I'll see you later?" he raises an eyebrow.

I nod. "See you."

After what felt like a lifetime in three different classes, I head back to my dorm to start a new project. I continue my project until it's dark outside. The sooner I finish it, the better. I flip through the pages of the book and start typing what I need to put in my presentation. MY phone buzzes and check it.

I need you. I'm at the cliff. –A

My heart drops as I read the message. Is he alright? Is he hurt? I close my book and toss it aside. I put on my shoes and grab my keys, phone and wallet. I run out of the dorm and to the elevator, taking it down to the parking lot. I put my car on drive and leave the campus, heading to the cliff.

My heart accelerates when I get closer to my destination. What is he doing at the cliff at dark? I have no idea what's happening. I hope he's alright.

I get to the area and put my car on park. I look around and don't see Austin anywhere. I turn the engine off and get out, locking the car. "Austin?" I call. It's too dark to see anything.

"Over here." I follow his voice behind the bushes. I look around the bush to find another way to get pass it but there isn't any other way but to go through it. I sigh and push through the bush. Finally, I make it out and see red rose petals scattered all over the rocky ground. Christmas lights decorated on the ground, the trees and bushes.

Austin is standing by the edge, holding a bouquet of roses. He smiles and extends a hand. I take it and I glance at the view. Oh wow...I haven't been on this side of the cliff before. This angle has a better scope on the town. Seeing the car lights and skyscrapers. It never fails to take my breath away.

I turn to Austin. "You said you needed me?"

He smiles wider. "I do need you. I need you every day, every night, every hour and even now."

I furrow my brows at him. "What?" Where is he going with all this? "What's with all this?" I refer to the decorations and roses.

He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. I blush but thank God it's too dark for him to see. He puts my hand down. One hand grips the bouquet and the other cups the side of my face.

"I like you, Ren. You already know that, but I just wanted to remind you once more." He says, "This year has been a rollercoaster ride of firsts: my first female roommate, my first time introducing Amanda to someone from the UNI, my first time having a new set of friends and definitely, my first time liking someone."

"I like you, Ren, and I want to be able to call you mine. I want you to be able to call me yours. Me and you. I want that and I hope you feel the same." He pauses, taking a step back. He kneels down and raises the bouquet. "So Ren Harper, will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen at his proposal. Do I feel the same? I look down at those green eyes of his. "This year has also been a rollercoaster of firsts: my first time going to a party, first time having a boyfriend, first time being cheated on, first time being roommates with someone who isn't Megan and my first time liking someone who is totally out of my league."

I smile down at him and take the bouquet in my hands. "That's a yes," I tell him and he jumps up and hugs me on my waist, spinning me around. I laugh and he laughs with me. He puts me down but doesn't let go.

"You're my girlfriend," he grins.

"And you're my boyfriend."

He smirks. "God, I love the sound of that."

I chuckle lightly and turn my gaze to the breathtaking view. I lean against his chest and hug him. He pulls me closer to his body until no paper can fit between us.

"Amanda will be so thrilled," he says softly.

I laugh. "What? That you finally got a girlfriend?"

He lifts his hand up to my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. He shakes his head. "That I finally got you," he corrects.

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