Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


I wanted to take her back to the campus. What was Andre's problem? He already has Ren as his girlfriend, what more does he want? I watch as Alanna and Ren leave the party.

I hope they get back safe.

I go back and grab a beer for myself. I look around, where is Andre? He was just here a second ago. I crane my neck and look over at the crowd. I narrow my eyes at a familiar zombie talking to Madison by the staircase. Why is he talking to her?

Madison runs her dragon nails up and down his chest rather seductively. That bastard. Seconds later, he takes Madison by the hand and leads her upstairs. They go inside a room and don't come up.

I've got to tell Ren.

The next morning, I find her bed empty. I groan and try to sit up. I rub my temples. I didn't drink a lot last night but I did get back on campus around four in the morning. I check the clock on my desk. Eleven-thirty. My eyes glance at the Advil and glass of water next to the clock.

I smile. Thanks, Ren.

I lazily get up and drink the medicine. Why did I go home so late? My eyes widen when I remember. I spent the rest of the night looking for Andre. After seeing him enter a room with Madison, I contemplated on what to do. An hour later, I decided to get in there and beat the shit out of him. But hey, at least I thought about it before actually doing it.

I barged inside and found it empty. They had already left and moved on to somewhere else. I cursed at myself. I went everywhere looking for him. All I wanted to do what beat him until his body can't take it. Andre was a good friend of mine, but if he cheats on the girl I like then he's dead to me.

The girl you like? The tiny voice in my head teases.

I roll my eyes. Didn't I admit it already?

I grab my phone and quickly text Ren to meet me at the park bench at 15. I just hope she gets the message before she sees Andre. I take a quick shower and change into denim blue ripped jeans and a black tee shirt. I dry my hair and grab my phone and wallet before heading down to the park.

I sit on the bench, tapping my foot. Where is she? I text her, but she doesn't reply. Ren's never late. I check the time and thirty minutes have passed. What if she did go to see Andre before meeting me? No, no, no.

I quickly get up on my feet and head back to the building. I quickly hit the number of Travis' floor. I jog towards his dorm, opening the door and find Andre and Ren cuddling on his bed.

"I fucking knew it," I shake my head as I watch Ren awkwardly get off the bed.

"Austin," she looks at me sheepishly. "I was just about to see you."

"Of course, I knew you'd go and check up on your boyfriend." I tell her, "It's just that I expected to see someone else on his bed."

Ren furrows her brow in confusion. She looks at me like I'm talking nonsense. But oh, little does she know. Andre, on the other hand, knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"What are you talking about?" Ren asks, dumbfounded.

"I-I don't know-"

"Don't lie to your girlfriend, Andre." I smirk at him. This ass is going down. "Ever heard of honesty in a relationship? Or should I add loyalty, too?"

Andre glares at me, pointing his index finger at me. "I was drunk!"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Too drunk to remember that you had a girlfriend?"

Andre stands and grabs Ren's arm. "You know what, I don't need this from you. Let's go babe." He starts to tow her out when I move to the side, blocking the only exit.

I glance at Ren's direction. "She's not going anywhere with you."

"Are we seriously back at this again?" Ren gapes at me but I ignore her.

"I can take her anywhere with me," Andre snaps. "She's my girlfriend."

"And you are a cheater." I say calmly.

Andre's face turns pale. Ren turns to look at Andre. Her expression shows a mixture of blue and confusion. "What is he talking about, Andre?" she asks him.

He shakes his head. "I, myself, also had too many drinks. I wasn't in my right mind-"

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't mean to do it." She orders.

Ren's eyes start to water. I just want to grab her and bring her somewhere where I can hold her and she can cry and let it all out. I'd treat her better. Better than she deserves.

Andre looks down at Ren's now-teary eyes. He falters. "I-I can't."

"Who was it?" she asks softly, her voice cracking.

Andre doesn't answer. "Son of a bitch, who was it?" she yells at him, exasperated. Tears start streaming down her face.

Andre winces and the sound of Ren cursing. "Madison."

She raises her hand to slap him, but she drops it. She shakes her head. "You're lucky. I'm not one to hit people," she tells him before walking out the door.

I scoff, "Yeah, well I'm not." I raises my fist and punch him right at the face. Andre gets knocked off balance and tumbles to the ground. He groans in pain as he holds the side of his face.

I turn around and see Ren looking at him blankly. "We're over, Andre." She leaves abut I stay in place, in front of him. I kick him on the stomach and he groans. I kneel down and grab him by the collar, lifting him up.

"I don't want you near Ren. Come close, I'll break every single bone in your body." I warn before punching him once more and falls back to the ground, groaning.

I leave the room, texting Travis. I give him a heads up of what he might see when he gets back to his own dorm. I head up the elevator and back to my dorm. I find Ren sitting on the floor, leaning against her bed.

I close the door and join her. "What else did you do?" she asks softly. Her eyes are puffy from crying and her nose is red from blowing them.

I let her lean on my shoulder. "Gave him what he deserved."

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