Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. I'm no princess and this is no Disney movie, birds please shut the hell up. I pull the pillow that I'm hugging closer to me. Wait. Why are there birds in my dorm?

I slowly open my eyes and I'm staring directly at someone's chest. Andre. Gosh, I forgot we slept out here last night. I take this time to look at his face. He has tan skin from playing soccer back at Span, his hair is long enough to touch his eyes but it still looks pretty neat; not too shaggy. His lashes are so long, I envy them. Why do guys have the amazing lashes but never appreciate them?

His eyes start to open and I immediately close mine, pretending to still be asleep. I feel his eyes on me and I try my best to not move. I open one eye and see him staring down at me, smirking. I close it quickly and he chuckles.

"I know you're awake, Ren." His voice is so deep and raspy. Every guy's morning voice is the hottest thing you will ever hear.

I refuse to open my eyes and he pokes my face. "Wake up." Poke. "I'm hungry." Poke.

Suddenly, my stomach growls. My eyes shot open and Andre's eyes widen before laughing so hard, it makes me join him. I stop laughing but Andre continues. I smile, watching him laugh. He looks so handsome when he laughs. His laugh slowly dies and stares down at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

My stomach growls again and I feel the heat in my cheeks. I cover my face with my hands and he chuckles lightly. "Want to go and get some McDonald's?" he asks. I peek through my hands and nod my head sheepishly.

He stands up and we start folding the blankets. He carries the blankets while I carry the pillows. We put them all at the backseat before strapping in at the front. We drive to the closest McDonald's and go through the drive through. I get myself pancakes and immediately eat it all up.

We get back to the UNI in thirty minutes. Andre walks me to my dorm even when I tell him not to. He insisted. He cracks some jokes on the way back to my dorm and I can't help but laugh at how ridiculously corny they are. We get to my room and see Austin pacing around the room with his phone in his hand.

His heads snaps at our direction and he tosses his phone on his bed before rushing to my side. He lifts my arms up, checking for something. He brings his hands up to my face, inspecting it. He stops checking and gives me a stern look.

He has dark circles under his eyes and his hair in every place. I glance down at his clothes and he's wearing the exact same ones from last night.

"Where the hell were you? I didn't see you back at the party and I thought you'd be back here, but NO! I come back here and see the dorm empty. I spend the rest of the night looking for you. My bike broke down so I couldn't go so far. I walked around the entire campus-"

"Calm down, man." Andre brings his hand. "She was safe with me."

Austin turns to Andre, glaring. He points a finger at him and pokes him hard on his chest. "And you didn't bother telling anyone?!" he exclaims. Wow, he's really pissed. At what though? "If something happened to her it would've been on you!"

"But nothing did happen to her," he gestures at me. "She's here and she's alright. I think that's what matters." He crosses his arm over his chest and stare blankly at Austin.

Austin mimics his actions and stare down at Andre. Austin is still taller than Andre and from where I'm standing, Andre looks like a dwarf next to Austin. Andre scoffs and shakes his head. He turns to me and gives me a small smile. "I'll see you late, alright?"

I nod before Austin cuts in. "She isn't going to be able to see you today," he says firmly.

I narrow my eyes at him and continues, "I'm not letting her near you again."

"What are you? Her father?" Andre scoffs. "Ren's old enough to make her own decisions."

"Fuck off, Reid."

"No, you fuck-"

"SHUT UP!" I yell and they both stop arguing. "Both of you will you please just shut up."

I approach Andre and tell him that I'd text him later. He nods and turns to leave. I close the door and sigh, exhausted. I turn around and glare at Austin.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" I exclaim. Austin gives me a questioning look and I roll my eyes at him. "I don't need to you take care of me, alright? I can take care of myself."

He scoffs, "Good job taking care of yourself when you left with Andre and spent the night with him without telling anyone."

"If you got kidnapped or murdered, no one would know about it!" he adds and I flinch at his sudden tone.

"But that does not give you the right to tell me not to see him," I point out. "You can't just around telling guys that I can't hang with them. Especially, Andre."

"What the hell is so special about him anyway?" he rolls his eyes.

"I like him okay!"

Austin's expression changes and looks down at his feet. He sighs, running his hand through his hair. " him?" he asks softly.

I just admitted that, didn't I? I nod. "Yeah, I do."

He nods before walking to the door, leaving. What was that about? I shake my head, just another moody Austin. I grab my phone and call Travis. I ask him to send me Andre's phone number and after hanging up Travis sends me a text of Andre's phone number.

I dial his number and he answers after the fourth ring. "Hello?"

"Andre, it's Ren."

"Ren, hey!" he chuckles, "I just saw Austin stomping out of the lobby. I guess you didn't end in good terms?"

"He's just being moody and immature. Can you meet me at the bench by the grass at 15?" I ask.

"Of course. See you then," he hangs up and I plug my phone into my charger before disappearing into the bathroom to take a shower.

After changing, I go to the bench by the grass and see Andre waiting. "Andre," I call out and he turns around, smiling at me. He pats the space beside him and I sit down at that place.

"So what's up?" He slings an arm around my shoulder.

I shake my head, "I just want to get out of here again."

He smiles, "What do you have in mind?"

I tell him my plans for today and he chuckles, "You sure are full of surprises."

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