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The leader of the Jabari made his way over to T'Challa. The latter stared him down without missing a beat as his opponent took off his mask.

Zuri tilted his head to the side. "M'Baku. What are you doing here?"

M'Baku looked at him as if the shaman had grown a second head. "It's challenge day." He turned around to face the tribes. "We have watched and listened from the mountains. We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child!" He angrily stomped over to Shuri.

The Dora Milaje were quick to draw their spears, ready to defend the princess. Shuri, on the other hand, looked absolutely terrified. N'Deke wanted to jump down there and protect her as well, but with an opponent like M'Baku it would be over before it even started. Granted he knew how to fight, which he had Akina to thank for, but he stood no chance against him. M'Baku was big, all muscles and brute strength. He could probably smash the younger's head with a simple flick of his wrist if he wanted to.

"A child who scoffs at tradition," M'Baku finished. "And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince"—he made his way back to T'Challa—"who could not keep his own father safe."

N'Deke flinched at the mention of the dead king. He chanced a glance at his father and was shocked to find that M'Bao was thoroughly enjoying the show. Another thought raced through his mind, the way M'Bao had said "will" earlier. It had strangely sounded like he was ready to send one of his own tribesmen to challenge T'Challa. Would he really dare to, though? The Sound Tribe was pacific, and therefore the only tribe to not have any warriors. They relied on the Border Tribe when it came to protection. Not to mention M'Bao most likely had no clue that his son was fairly knowledgeable in combat. So there was no way he could have sent one of his own down there.

Unless he was planning to present himself as an opponent.

N'Deke shook the ridiculous thought out his head and redirected his attention to the scene. M'Baku was staring T'Challa down, confidence practically oozing from every pore.

"We will not have it. I said we. Will. Not. Have it! I, M'Baku, leader of the Jabari—"

"I accept your challenge, M'Baku," T'Challa said calmly before the aforementioned could even finish his sentence.

M'Baku smirked, muttering something in Xhosa. The Sound tribesmen began beating their drums once more, cutting through the tension. Zuri slid the Black Panther mask around T'Challa's head as M'Baku put on his own, ordering his tribesmen to form a quarter of a circle around them. T'Challa followed suit, and a handful of Dora Milaje came down, turning it into a semi circle.

N'Deke inhaled sharply. His heart was practically beating out of his chest, in a way similar to the many people around him. His grip tightened around Jeniba's hand, who prayed silently.

"Let the challenge begin." Zuri hit the water once.

T'Challa stalked towards M'Baku, who instantly went for the kill. With a battle cry M'Baku swung his club, only for his opponent to block, dodge and block again. As expected, he was all about brute force. His movements lacked precision, and because of that, T'Challa had an advantage because he, on the contrary, was quick and nimble.

However M'Baku quickly made up for it when he hit the prince's shield; the latter was knocked off his feet. The semi circle got tighter. N'Deke stepped back involuntarily, stomach churning.

"Ah, stand up!" M'Baku ordered.

T'Challa did as told. He got his small spear and charged, landing a solid kick to the Jabari leader's chest, who in turn fell. Approving nods ran through the tribe members. The combat was far from over, but it was nice to know their prince had regained the upper hand.

The smiles were wiped off when M'Baku once more knocked T'Challa off his feet. The blow was so hard that the latter's spears, shield and mask were sent flying. He quickly stood up, briefly disoriented and now weaponless.

M'Baku taunted T'Challa, clearly underestimating him. The latter grabbed his opponent's club and used it as leverage to flip his body. His feet hit M'Baku in the process. The circle grew tighter.

While M'Baku held on to his weapon, T'Challa bravely went against him with his bare arms, landing some solid punches. The bigger man quickly trapped him between his body and his club, squeezing. He head butted T'Challa. Blood came out of his nose and stained his lips.

"No powers." He did it again. "No clothes." And again. "No special suit. Just a boy."

T'Challa's head rolled back. The first people he saw were Ramonda and Shuri.

"Show him who you are!" he faintly heard his mother yell.

His eyes travelled further up and caught sight of a terrified N'Deke, staring at him as if he were about to die any second. He wasn't about to die. He couldn't die, not when his people were counting on him.

T'Challa straightened his upper body with a battle cry, using his elbow to hit M'Baku on the head twice. He freed him. M'Baku stumbled back. His mask fell off, revealing a trail of blood trickling down his forehead. Enraged, he swung his spear. It pierced T'Challa in the chest. Everyone gasped.

"No!" N'Deke shouted, earning a glare from his father. He cleared his throat and swallowed nervously.

M'Baku attempted to drive the spear further into his chest but T'Challa held it firmly in both hands, keeping it from doing just that. Jeniba averted her gaze, unable to stand the violent sight any longer.

"I am Prince T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka," he roared.

"You can do this T'Challa!" Shuri encouraged.

T'Challa ripped out the spear, using it to force M'Baku to bow down before kicking him in the face. Without wasting a second, he skillfully slid his way over to the bigger man, locking him tightly between his legs. The crowd cheered.

"Yield!" he said. "Don't make me kill you."

"I would rather die."

"Please don't kill him," N'Deke muttered under his breath. He knew T'Challa was a man who'd much rather avoid having somebody's death on his conscience if he could. But he could only win if M'Baku admitted defeat. And judging by the way things were going, it seemed like he'd much rather hang on to his dignity than do such a thing.

"T'Challa." They all began to shout his name in unison.

"You are full of honor. Just yield. Your people need you," he insisted, tone growing more desperate with each passing second M'Baku spent without oxygen.

The latter seemed to consider the offer.

"Yield man!"

Finally, he tapped T'Challa's leg three times, who heaved out in relief. N'Deke did too, a huge smile gracing his features. Thank Bast it hadn't ended the way he thought it would. He glanced over at Jeniba and chuckled. "It's okay, Mom. He won."

She cracked an eyelid open, shoulders slumping. N'Deke caught sight of his father's expression. Even though it was brief, he could've sworn he'd seen disappointment. Or was he simply imagining things again? It didn't matter.

As the Jabari helped M'Baku up and carried him away, T'Challa made his way over to Zuri, victorious.

"I now present to you"—the shaman held up the traditional, royal necklace—"King T'Challa. The Black Panther." He slid it around T'Challa's neck.

T'Challa looked at his people with pride and glee. He crossed his arms. "Wakanda forever!"

"Wakanda forever!"

And like that, Prince T'Challa had become King T'Challa.

• • •

I really hope I did this battle scene some justice. Next chapter will help us dive a bit more into Shuri and N'Deke's friendship so do stay tuned for that.

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