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N'Deke ducked right before the gun went off. His heart raced at the thought that he'd been a millisecond away from certain death. He kicked the man's legs out from under him and quickly reached into his jacket for the flute.


It elongated into the baton he'd gotten familiar with while they were at the hotel. He spun it in his hand once and slammed it against the side of the man's head. The vibrations spread throughout the man's whole body, confusing his senses.

"So that's what they're for." N'Deke elbowed the man, sending him rolling down the stairs.

His fall was soon followed by that of one of his companions', defeated by Okoye. Bullets rained and screams echoed through the casino as everyone scrambled for cover.

Another man lunged for N'Deke. He managed to wrap his arms around the latter's neck. N'Deke slammed one end of the baton down on his toes, and the second the man freed him N'Deke head butted him, sending him tumbling back. The young man knocked him out with a calculated punch before running towards Okoye. But as it turned out the general didn't need his help. She pushed one of the men off the floor and jumped down after him, her dress floating around her.

"At least one of us is having fun," he muttered.

"We need a distraction!" Nakia shouted, nodding at N'Deke.

"On it." He willed the baton back into its original form and slapped one of the audio enhancers on it. He brought it to his lips and played a drawn, high-pitched note. Everyone went still, the shouts replaced with confused expressions. Okoye took the opportunity to take yet another opponent down before he returned to his senses.

This would give them enough time to find Ulysses and get out of this place.

"My, what do we have here? The Pied Piper of Hamelin, or should I say Wakanda."

N'Deke lowered the flute, gaze darting between the criminal himself and the gun he was pointing at him. T'Challa jumped between them right as Ulysses pushed the trigger. The weapon was empty, but the man had another trick up his sleeve. Or rather, his hand.

The prosthetic limb parted, revealing something far more dangerous. T'Challa quickly grabbed one of the nearby tables and held it in front of him as Ulysses's weapon fired. The blast was so powerful it sent him flying off the second floor.

"Your Highness!" N'Deke shouted

"I'm fine," he grunted. "Don't let Klaue get away!"

Nakia and Okoye ran past N'Deke, following after the aforementioned man. T'Challa wasn't far behind. He grabbed N'Deke by the arm and dragged him outside.


One of the cars revved up. T'Challa gestured for N'Deke to get in. N'Deke opened the passenger door and threw himself inside.

"Wait, which side of the road is it?" he heard a familiar voice ask, even though he couldn't see her.

"Shuri?" he asked.

"N'Deke! Oh, I'm so happy to hear your voice."

"For Bast's sake, just drive!" T'Challa cut in.

Shuri, or rather virtual Shuri, did just that. The car jerked forward. The headlights revealed T'Challa running in front of them. His tux quickly gave way to his sleek new Black Panther suit. He jumped onto the car.

"Woo! Let's go!" Shuri shouted.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," N'Deke said, clutching onto the seatbelt. His stomach was churning dangerously.

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