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Akina wasn't at the training grounds yet, sonething that N'Deke found to be odd. Granted, he was running late because of his father, but Akina was usually warming up around this time. Had something happened to her?

His ears picked up on the sound of footsteps approaching him. They were too light to be Akina's. "She is on Dora Milaje duties," Tigress said, emerging from behind trees. "Now that she's ranked up, she doesn't have as much time as she did before. She's already acquired nearly all of the skills she needs too, so I no longer see the point in training her."

"I see." Despite how proud he was of her, he frowned in disappointment. These training sessions were the only occasions he got to see her. Now it seemed that that, too, had been taken away from him.

Tigress picked up on it. "You seem to be particularly fond of watching her train. Why?"

He shrugged. "It's complicated."

"Complicated is an excuse we humans made up to avoid facing our problems." She adopted a stance, nodding. "Care to explain over a spar?"

He stared at her incredulously, gaze darting between her clenched hands and his own relaxed ones. He weighed the pros and cons of sparring with a Dora Milaje. On one hand, it wouldn't be fair to him, seeing as she was much stronger. On the other hand, it could be an opportunity for him to learn beyond what Akina had already taught him.

Slowly, he abandoned his rock and took position in front of her. He heard the subtle sound of dried grass crunching, and she made her move. Even though N'Deke's enhanced hearing gave him an edge, Tigress was still faster than him. He dodged her kick at the very last second and let out a shaky exhale. Any closer and he would've been left with a nasty bruise on his face.

"So, tell me. What is going on between you and Akina?"

He blocked her arm. The sheer force packed behind the hit made him stumble back. He recovered and swung his leg. "Easy. She's my sister, and she hates me."

"Hate is a pretty strong word, N'Deke." She jumped, twisting him around and locking him into an embrace. One of her arms wrapped around his neck, trapping both of his behind him. "Are you sure that is the case?"

"I'm sure. She hates me solely because I'm part of the tribe that renounced her. Or maybe because I failed her." He threw his head back, hitting her chin. She released with a grunt. "Sorry."

"No need for that." Tigress swung at him again, managing to him in the chest. It was hard enough to make him stumble yet again. "Are you sure? Because considering the way she speaks of you, I don't think 'hate' is the right word to describe how she feels about you."

N'Deke's eyes went wide as saucers. "She talks about me?"

She swiped his legs from underneath him, immediately holding him down so firmly that if he were to try any sudden movements to free himself, he'd dislocate his shoulder. "One major rule of combat is to never, ever divert your focus, even if just for a second. And yes, she does."

"What does she say?"

"I don't think it's my place to tell you."

"Please," he said. He Ineeded to know, and he was about ready to get on his knees and beg if need be so.

Tigress considered him for a moment. N'Deke rolled away. Quick as a feline cat, she was back on her feet, stance defensive. He followed suit.

"Ask her yourself."

"If I do I'll either get ignored or chewed out. I'm not sure which one would hurt less at this point." He used a combination of moves to try and destabilize her to no avail. He might've gotten her once, but he wouldn't get her a second time.

She grabbed him by the calf mid swing and pulled. N'Deke fell with a 'oof.' There was suddenly no air in his lungs. He coughed and wheezed, trying to get some much needed oxygen.

Tigress extended a hand. He accepted it and allowed her to help him stand up with a strained 'thanks'. "For someone who comes from a pacific tribe, you've got skills. With a little more work you would make a fine warrior."

"Thank you, Tig— I mean..."

She smiled. "I know about your nickname. Though I wish my name was Tigress, it isn't."

N'Deke rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly. He could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "What is it?"

She simply patted him on the shoulder. "My name is Mekate."

"Mekate," he repeated slowly. Testing it. He shook his head. "I think I like Tigress better."

"That's fine by me. I think I like it better too."

They were interrupted by the distinctive ring of Kimoyo beads. She opened up her hand. A hologram of Ayo, head of security, appeared. "Mekate, a meeting has been called. It's an emergency."

"I'll be right there, General."

"And bring the boy with you." Her eyes cut to N'Deke. "His father asked for him to be present. Hurry."

Mekate cut the transmission and turned towards him. "It seems like this is going to be your first time at the Tribal Council. Let's not keep them waiting."

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