Chapter 12

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(Manip above is not mine, credit goes to babynewtmas on IG❤ check her out she makes amazing edits💕💕)

"Thomas, right?" Newt's father moved his eyes to the brunette who was sitting next to Newt quietly in the dinner table.
"U-uh yes, mister Stacey." Thomas nodded, shifting on his seat uncomfortably.

The scientist chuckled and took his cup "You can call me Eric. No need to be this formal when you are my boy's date." He smiled and sipped tea "Tell me something about yourself."

"Well I... I really like science, to be honest. I hope I will have a chance to go study physics in the future." Thomas looked down shyly.
"Really?" Newt's dad grinned. "Want to be a professor like me?"
"I don't know..." The boy bit his lip "Maybe a teacher. Science teacher, yeah."

Eric nodded understandably "That's an interesting job. I am even shocked that a young man like you wants to be a teacher. According to other teenagers who are excited to be supermodels or designers," he laughed "but let's leave it at that. You really are an intriguing guy, Thomas. Never thought we would have so much in common. That makes me like you even more."

Thomas blushed, not knowing what to say to a compliment like that. "Thank you mister Sta- Eric."

Newt watched as his dad and Thomas started to get into their topics even more. Seeing them getting on so well with each other made him smile inside. Newt couldn't imagine how lucky he was to have to someone so cute, adorable, bright and handsome like Thomas.
That's when he remembered what he had promised. The talk.

Newt raised his head and glanced to two males again. They were so in their conversation, he couldn't interrupt them now. But he didn't want to talk about it later. It has to happen today.

"Everything okay, Newton?" Newt felt how two pair of eyes were staring at him now after his dad's asked question.
Newt looked over to Thomas. Thomas's beautiful brown whiskey eyes staring at the blonde calmly.
"You look pale? Are you feeling well, Newt?"

He is waiting for me to say it but nothing is coming out of my mouth... Just say it!
Say it!

This is too much.

"I need some air..." Newt got up quickly and walked over to his balcony. Thomas, who was shocked, got up too and followed him there.

Newt looked over the city. It looked so lively on that time. The cars were scooting between the buildings, a couple was holding hands and walking on the street. Newt stared at them thoughtfully and sighed, looking down at his hands.
He was thinking whether the masked hero was hiding somewhere here right now.

Newt turned around quickly as he heard it, seeing Thomas walking over.
"You seem off, is everything okay?" The brunette looked at Newt who wasn't looking back, like he was avoiding the eye contact.

"I need to tell you something. Like I promised. I am just scared that you might get upset. Or even start to hate me." Newt rubbed his arm and looked down.
"Hate you? Newt, I would never hate you, you know that." He took blonde's hand gently, gripping it. "Just tell me what is bothering you and we will find the solution together."

Newt gripped it back and took a deep breath. "I... I kissed Spider-Man. Like 6 hours after I said that I wanted to be in a relationship with you." He looked to Thomas, scared of what his reaction will be.

Thomas stared at him silently, opening his mouth slightly "...oH."

That didn't sound convincing at all. Wow, Thomas wow.

Newt raised his eyebrow confused. "Oh? I am feeling quilty about what I did and you are just like "Oh"?"

Thomas wanted to slap himself. "No! No, of course not! I, ugh- I am kinda slow with thinking. I mean, wow I am in huge shock! Whaaattt!"

Newt looked at Thomas, slowly folding his arms. "This is not amusing."

"I don't blame you, he is quite handsome I guess and I would kiss him too if I were you- No wait."
Yuck, I wouldn't kiss myself. Disgusting.

Newt sighed and rubbed his face.
"I kissed him because I felt like I was catching feelings for him. And now I am confused because I really really like you. And when he appears I get confused again and- Dammit." He hid his face into his hands "I am a mess, Tommy... W-why are you even giving us a chance when I am such a mess a-and-" Newt tried to catch his breath through his sobbing.

Thomas stared at him shocked and pulled him into an embrace "Hey hey shh.." he hugged Newt gently. "You are not a mess. You are beautiful. Smart. Bold. Kind."

Newt sniffed, wrapping his arms around Thomas tightly. Staying like this quietly, with his face hidden against Thomas's chest.

Thomas stroked his head gently, running his fingers through his blonde hair shootingly.
He needs to tell him.
"Newt? I have something to tell you too."

Newt raised his head a bit to look at Thomas. Studying his face with his dark brown eyes. "What is it?"

Here it goes.

"Newt, I...
Have you ever wondered about who that guy was who kissed you on that balcony or who saved you from drunk guys?..."

Oh well, not the way I imagined to start this conversation but...

Newt stared at him blankly. When he realised what Thomas had just said, he pushed him away. "What did you just say? Thomas. That's seriously not funny." He made a step back.

Oh no.

"No, Newt, listen-"
"No you listen! I try to forget about him what he did. I try to move on from this because I have you. And you magically forgive me so now you want to bring him up again? Seriously? Like I am not already-" Newt sighed and shook his head "what ever. I am coming back. If you are ready to explain yourself then you know where to find me." He began walking towards the door.

Just when he was about to walk out he felt something wrapping around his waist and spinning him back. Newt spun back to Thomas who catched him. He gasped as he saw what was the thing.

The web.

Thomas held Newt close, not knowing what else to say, bringing his hand on his cheek.
Newt looked at Thomas with wide eyes, finally realising everything.
"Y-you... You're-"
"Shut up.." Thomas whispered before connecting his lips with Newt's.

Newt closed his eyes. It almost felt like the first balcony kiss. But better.
Much better.

He brought his hand up to caress Thomas's cheek through the kisses.
The kiss could've lasted longer but Newt heard someone's deep cough interrupt them.

"Sorry to interfere but we have desserts too." Eric smiled, leaning against the doorway.
Newt pulled away and blushed, nodding a bit before looking to Thomas.

He gripped his hand and whispered, like he was scared that someone might have heard Thomas's and his conversation and is now coming for his Thomas.
His Spider-man.
"Let's go."

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