Chapter 14

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"My mum was kept as a prisoner, she was basically like a lab rat to them."

Newt was listening to Thomas, running his fingers through his burnette locks gently. It was afternoon day after their last classes.

"I was there too. They took tests and kept us all in secret because human experiments are highly forbidden."

"And then your mum escaped?"

Thomas nodded. "She did... She kept switching locations, in hope that they won't find us. She was highly against what they tried to do with me there. The spider venom experiment was the last straw."

Newt sighed and laid his head on his boyfriend's chest. "But how did you discover your powers?"

Thomas glanced at ceiling, closing his eyes like remembering it all. "Before there were just small side effects. I complained to mum that all sounds that I hear seem louder to me, I could hear our neighbour's talking from miles away. I was faster than others. The older I got the stronger the effects got. So when I finally turned fourteen, I had discovered all the abilities that I have now. I invented that web thingie and started to help people out, and here came the fame."

"All because of that spider?" The blonde couldn't help but giggle.

Thomas raised his head a bit from the bed, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Spiders are powerful too, okay?"
"I used to hate spidets, soo..." Newt laughed.
"What? No way! Then what are you doing here huh? Ruunn!!" Thomas grabbed the pillow and threw it at Newt.

The blonde giggled, grabbing other pillow and using it as a protective shield. "Tommyy!"
The brunette laughed, stopping slowly as he pulled Newt into a hug and pulled him down to lay with him.

Newt wrapped his arms around his lover's chest. " you think they are still out here? That WICKED?"

Thomas smile faded a bit but he shurgged it off. "Meh, who knows. I hope not. Would ruin my beautiful afternoon with my favourite person on earth." He glanced to Newt, giving him his stupid dopey grin.

Newt shook his head and smiled "You're such a flirt."
"But you love it."
"I do."

Newt laughed and leaned in, kissing Thomas on the lips.
Thomas pouted when the blonde pulled away "One more pleasee!" he chuckled as he felt Newt's lips connecting with his again.

"Tommy we need to studyy" Newt said between the kisses, smiling.
"But we are. We are learning chemistry, our chemistry! That's highly educative. Trust me."

Newt laughed, wrapping his arms around Thomas. Keeping him close while Thomas was busy to kiss his cheek and nose, which made Newt giggle.

Beep beep.

Thomas glanced to his phone on the table, letting out a sigh.
"You have to go?" Newt looked to Thomas while resting his hands on brunette's shoulders.

"Afraid so," Thomas got up from the bed, giving Newt a quick peck on lips "Mwah! I will help you with homework later, I promise."
"Yeah yeah, homework can wait. Go save the world Bugboy."
"What did you just call me?"
Newt laughed. "You heard."

Thomas rolled his eyes playfully, grabbing his backpack and jumping over the balcony. And with that he was gone. Leaving Newt alone in his room.

"Do you need something-" His dad, who had stepped into Newt's room, blinked his eyes confused.
"What?" Newt raised his glance from the book that he was reading.
Newt's dad stared in silence "Thomas? Did he leave or something?"
"Oh yeah he did, hours ago..."

The man tilted his head in confusion "Strange... I thought that he- Uh, nevermind. I guess I am getting too old with this." He sighed and rubbed his head, walking out.

Newt closed his book silently and sighed. He walked over to the window where could be heard wailing police sirens. Somewhere out there was Thomas. Newt closed his eyes and sighed again.

Please, be safe.

Newtmas Spider-Man AUWhere stories live. Discover now