Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

January 2018

After Lucy's smoking debacle during Steph and Johnny's wedding, I haven't been able to look at her the same. My fiancée is lying to me, keeping secrets, not communicating with me. Christmas and New Years were so hard. Everyone was tense and didn't know what to do or say to make it not tense. But hopefully we can put all of our adult problems aside for Lola's first birthday.

My baby girl is making a year and her party is in just a few hours. An entire year of my life, I've loved and cared for another human being in ways I never thought I would. Lola Raidah Boyd has made me a better person and a better man. I may still do stupid shit, but I'm only human. I can't stop myself. But for Lola, I would do anything to make sure she has a life I didn't. Opportunities I could never have. I want the world and more for her.

"Luke, go to sleep, babe. We have a long day ahead of us." Lucy mumbles to me as we lay in our bed. It's five in the morning and I can't sleep.

"I'm trying, LuLu, but I can't. I got too much on my mind." I sigh. She turns over and looks at me.

"I can take your mind off whatever it is." She says before reaching over and kissing my neck.

"Naw, Lucy. Chill." I gently push her back. She looks stunned but I can't even imagine having sex with her when my mind is so crowded with stuff to worry about.

"Wow. Whatever." Lucy rolls back over and makes an effort to put as much space as possible between me and her.

I smack my lips. "Lucy, really?" She jerks her arm away when I place my hand on it. "Girl, I know you ain't being childish right now."

"Whatever, Luke." Lucy says before getting out bed and going to the bathroom.

I throw my head and let out a big sigh. "Lucy? Lucile, why are you being so difficult?"

"I'm not. You're the one who just rejected me. Like you have been doing since my aunt's wedding." Lucy says from the bathroom. She sounds like she's straining like she's taking a shit.

"You shitting?" I ask, ignoring her very true statement.

"And if I am? What you got a monopoly on my bowels now? Shit." Lucy snaps and I have to laugh.

I get out of our bed and go to the bathroom door. "Are you okay? What's really going on?"

"The fact that you've been rejecting me and not wanting to have sex since my aunt's wedding and now you've literally pushed me away. Fuck you, Luke. Let me shit in peace, damnit," Lucy snaps. The toilet flushes, the sink runs, and Lucy opens the door. "Back the fuck up."

"Get back in that bathroom, turn on the shower, and strip your clothes." I tell her and I can see the lust in her eyes.

"Naw, Luke. Chill." Lucy tries to walk past me but I stop her.

"Not a request." I say and lick my lips. She scoffs and ducks under my arm to lay back down. I just let out a sigh before returning to the bed. I lay down and turn my back to Lucy.

She turns over and rests her chin on my shoulder. "Boyd?" I don't answer her. "Luke? Lukey? Baby? Answer me," she starts tapping my face. "Answer me. I know you ain't sleep, nigga."

"Damn, girl. You annoying as fuck," I turn over to wrap my arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too. But don't be asking about my ass and what comes out of it no more." Lucy warns me.

"Unless something is going in it." I say with a smile and wait for her reaction.

"Ewwww! What the fuck is wrong with yo nasty, perverted ass? The fuck I look like, nigga?" Lucy pushes me back while I laugh.

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