Chapter 8

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The next morning I wake up myself quickly, feeling positive. I climb out of my bed, and quickly pull on my school clothes as fast as I could. I hurry downstairs to see baby Tia, she lay fast asleep in her Moses basket. "Good morning Josie." My mum welcomes me, she sounds tired. "Hello mum. How is Tia?" I ask enthusiastically. "She's doing well, she only woke up a couple of times in the night, which is surprising. Go and get your breakfast and then you can hold her again." My mum replies.

I do just that, and head Into the kitchen. Daniel walked down the stairs slowly, thumping his feet as he went. I turned to look at him once he reached the bottom; he had his hands to his eyes, rubbing them vigorously whilst yawning. "I'm so tired Josie." Daniel complained. I just laughed him off and continued to pour milk into my cereal bowl. It was sugar puffs this morning, yum.

After breakfast I peered over the Moses basket to see that Tia was awake and was kicking her feet with no emotion in her face. "If you want to hold her Josie, sit down on the sofa." I quickly sat down. My mum carefully picked up the small being, and placed her into my arms. She was heavy, mum said that she was the heaviest out of all of us. Daniel came and sat beside me, and stroked her face, I wished Liam was here. It didn't seem right without him, we'd lost Liam but gained Tia. It didn't quite make up for it and I wanted Liam back.

After a couple of minutes my mum took Tia back and placed her into the Moses basket. I put my shoes and coat on, knowing that it was time to go to school. "Josie, I've arranged for you to go to school with the little girl from down the road, Charlotte." My mum informed me. "Just so I can look after Tia." My mum explained. I didn't mind, too much, Charlotte was my friend so I wasn't bothered. "What about Daniel?" I asked, knowing that he went to a different school to me. "He's going with you too, charlottes sisters go to the same school, charlottes mum will make sure he gets in for me." I nodded and shrugged it off.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door. Daniel opened it, showing Charlotte standing there, her family at the end of the driveway. "Hello!" Charlotte said, smiling widely from ear to ear. I noticed Malcolm's car in the driveway. As Daniel went to stand with the rest of charlottes family, I turned to my mum. "Isn't Malcolm at work?" I asked. "No, he's In Bed. Have a nice day at school." With that, I turned and headed out of the door and joined charlottes family as we all walked to school together.


I knocked on my front door and waited for a moment. I thought to myself that school went quickly today. Malcolm answered the door a moment later, and walked back into the living room. I waved off Charlotte and her family and shut the front door behind me.

I pulled off my coat and school shoes, throwing my school bag down as well, and headed up the stairs. I saw Daniel at the top of the stairs bouncing around. His school finished earlier than mine today for a training session.

Where's mum?" I asked. "Downstairs on the phone to dad." He had the largest grin on his face. "Can I speak to him?" I asked excitedly.

"Not now, they're sorting stuff out. Guess what?"

"What?" I asked him, wanting to know what he was so chuffed about. "No you have to guess." He demanded. "Just tell me!" I begged, expecting him to say something silly, like he had been given chocolate, or that mum brought him a new toy, or that he didn't have to go to school tomorrow.

"I'm moving to dad's house!" He yelped.

I froze to the spot for what seemed like forever. My heart sunk faster than an anchor. Was he really able to leave all this behind? Was he allowed to go and be with Dad, which was exactly where I had always wanted to be? "What about me?" I asked, it felt as if I had just been stabbed through the heart. "You're not allowed, mum won't let you go. Dad asked, and I heard them arguing about it, but mum wouldn't budge. " did she really want me here? Even if she did, she shouldn't be selfish, she should let me choose where I wanted to go. She should let me be where would be best for me. "But that's not fair!" I exclaimed, stamping my feet. "If you can go, then I should be able too as well. Mum knows how much I love dads house." Daniel just shrugged at me, clearly not knowing what to say. His grin deflated as he saw how upset I was about it. I charged downstairs to find my mum. "Mum is he allowed to go, and I'm not?" I whined. "Its for the best Josie."

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